
  1. 人力资源开发与青年成才

    On the relation of human resource development and youth 's growth

  2. 志愿服务与当代青年成才

    Volunteer Service and The Growing of Contemporary Youth Breast Carcinoma in Young People

  3. 他强烈的爱国主义情怀、自强不息的奋斗理念、敢于怀疑一切的魄力,最终形成为一种精神文化,为当代青年成才树立了标杆。

    His strong patriotic feelings , self-improvement struggle concept , courage of suspecting everything finally formed a spiritual culture for the contemporary youth as a milestone .

  4. 制约高校青年教师成才的原因分析及政策建议

    Analysis on the Causes Restricting Young Teachers from Becoming Talents and Some Policy Proposals

  5. 做服务青年学生成才的良师益友&论分团委书记的作用和素质

    A Good Teacher and Helpful Friend of Students in Their Progress : the Role and Quality of a Youth League Sub-Committee Secretary Discussion about Makings of Departmental Party Branch Secretary

  6. 为共青团干部培训服务,为全面建设小康社会提供人力资源,人才资源,提供智力支撑,为广大青年的成才与发展服务。

    In such reformations , the Youth League school will serve the development and advancement of youth , offer the human resources and mental sustainments for the construction of well - off society .

  7. 在经济全球化背景下,当代青年成长成才的利益需求更为多样化,呈现出不同于以往任何一个时代的鲜明时代特征。

    Under the background of economic globalization , the interest needs for the growth and career pursuit of the contemporary youth become more varied , and begin to have some features that are starkly different from those in any time before .

  8. 牢牢把握民族精神和时代精神这两个主题去研究青年成长成才规律,确定加强马克思主义教育的项目和载体,使青年学生在参与这些项目和载体的过程中向马克思主义者的标准努力。

    Firmly grasp the national spirit and The Times spirit the two themes to study law , youth , growth success of the marxist education to determine the project and carrier , make young students participate in these programs and carrier in the process of efforts to marxist standards .

  9. 三是实现三化目标,优化成才环境,为青年学生成长成才搭建育人平台;

    The third is to realize " the three perfection targets ", namely , to optimize the environment of cultivating talents , which means to set up a cultivation platform for the young students ;

  10. 为青年学生成长成才服务,既要在思想政治上帮助他们健康成长,又要最大限度地为青年学生的求知、就业、生活等方面提供优质服务。

    At present , the League 's service should consist in helping college students growth and progress ideologically and politically , as well as in providing assistance and convenience for their knowledge seeking , employment , life and other things and activities .

  11. 论青年技术人员的成才方式

    Methods to promote youth in technical staff to become talents

  12. 青年科技编辑快速成才的有效途径

    Effective Ways for Young Editors ' Success

  13. 四是加强团干自身建设,树立团干良好形象,为青年学生的成长成才搭建保障平台。

    The fourth is to strengthen the perfection of the league member leaders themselves so as to build a guarantee platform for the young students .

  14. 青年学生对成长成才成功的情感体验与学校的教育环境相联系,且对它们的发展产生重要的影响。

    The emotional experience to the growing , becoming a useful person and succeeding of the students is related to the educational environment of the universities , and plays a very important role in their growth .

  15. 思想政治工作社会化是顺应时代要求的必然选择,是青年学生健康成长成才的实际需要。它的实现是一个循序渐进的过程。

    The socialization of ideological and political work is the inevitable choice of the times , and the actual need for college students to grow up healthy and sound , but its achievement needs a course of gradual improvement .

  16. 十多年的中国青年志愿者事业的发展证明,参与志愿服务对当代青年的成才具有极大的促进作用。

    In the recent years , the development of Chinese Youth Volunteer service shows that participating in the volunteer service has great promoting effects on the growing of contemporary youth .