
  • 网络youth novel
  1. 苏童青春小说的精神世界及其文化成因探寻

    A Probe into the Mental World with Its Cultural Causes of Su Tong 's Novels for the Youth

  2. 在西方后现代文化思潮的影响下,吉本芭娜娜通过融合日本传统文化和西方后现代文化,创作出符合各国年轻人心境的青春励志小说。

    Under the influence of western postmodernism , Banana Yoshimoto integrated Japanese culture and western postmodernism , which created one kind of inspirational novel for the young .

  3. 化蛹为蝶&论青春文学中小说的嬗变后结构主义视阈下我国当代青春文学解读

    Pupa to Butterfly ; Analysis of Chinese Contemporary Literature From Perspective of Post-structuralism

  4. 校园小说是一种以校园生活为题材,洋溢着青春质素的现代小说样式。

    Campus novel , with campus life as its theme , is the modern style of novel permeated with youthful qualities . Youthfulness is the indispensable element for this kind of novels .

  5. 为青春作传&评大学校园青春小说创作

    On Youth & A Review of College Campus Novels about Youth