
yáo kòng
  • remote control;telecontrol;teleoperation;distant control
遥控 [yáo kòng]
  • [remote control;telecontrol] 利用无线电、有线传输或声波进行的远距离控制

遥控[yáo kòng]
  1. 我找不到遥控器。

    I can 't find the remote control .

  2. 它通过遥控工作。

    It works by remote control .

  3. 空间站上的设备是从地球遥控的。

    Equipment on the space station is teleoperated from Earth .

  4. 孩子们正在为抢夺电视机的遥控器而争吵。

    The children were squabbling over the remote-control gadget for the television

  5. 就在那一刻,无线电遥控器摔得粉碎。

    At that point the radio handset fell to pieces .

  6. 他伸手拿过遥控器,按下“播放”键。

    He reached for the remote control and pressed the ' play ' button .

  7. 这一点大大优于传统的红外遥控,这种技术隔着墙就不能用了。

    That 's a big plus over conventional remote controls that use infrared , a technology that doesn 't work through walls .

  8. Cablevision希望明年年初时用户们就能通过遥控器购买商品了。

    Cablevision 8 hopes to allow customers to buy things with their remote controls early next year .

  9. 这家初创公司的产品SentabTV可以让那些不习惯使用电脑的老年人只需操控电视和遥控器就能打开电子邮件、视频聊天和社交媒体。

    The startup 's product , SentabTV , enables older adults who may not be comfortable with computers to access email , video chat and social media using just their televisions and a remote control .

  10. 允许观众使用遥控来点击的互动电视广告已经被推行多年。

    Interactive television advertising , which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements , has been pushed for years .

  11. 罗德里格斯说:“这不既不新奇也不复杂,因为很多人都用电视遥控器,得心应手。”

    " It 's nothing new , it 's nothing too complicated and it 's natural because lots of people have TV remotes , " says Rodriguez .

  12. 而大约十年前就有预测认为,流行情景剧《老友记》的观众很快就能通过在遥控器上的几下点击买到剧中詹妮弗·安妮斯顿的同款毛衣了。

    Nearly a decade ago it was predicted that viewers of " Friends , " a popular situation comedy , would soon be able to purchase a sweater like Jennifer Aniston 's with a few taps on their remote control .

  13. 到高中时,朗尼用一些废物制造了一个遥控机器人。

    By high school , Lonnie built a remote-control robot from some waste things .

  14. 能实现自动操作或通过遥控来操作。

    The QC-RS can operate autonomously or by remote control . QC-RS

  15. (你能把遥控器递给我吗?我最喜欢的节目在三分钟后就要开始了!)

    Can you pass me the remote ? My favourite show starts in three minutes !

  16. 一些自拍杆使用远程或蓝牙遥控,让使用者可以自己决定何时拍摄照片。

    Some have remote or Bluetooth controls , letting the user decide when to take the picture .

  17. 我的科学展项目给我的父母带来了很多困扰,包括了一个遥控移动垃圾箱。

    My parents suffered through many more of my science fair projects , including a remote controlled garbage can .

  18. 我够不到遥控,因为它不在“沙发距离”之内。

    it 's not within couching distance . I can 't reach the remote control because it 's not in couching distance .

  19. “遥控舞”指为了让电视机对手中的遥控器有反应而做出的各种动作。

    Remote dance refers to the movements you make with your hand when trying to get your TV to recognize your remote control .

  20. “遥控舞”各有不同,不过大部分都有翻转手臂的动作,直到遥控器正面差不多被翻过来,总觉得这样能管点用。

    All remote dances are different , but most involve twisting your hand around until the remote is almost upside down , thinking that for some reason that will help .

  21. Windows下的批量遥控克隆技术

    Technique for Clone Grouped Clients by Remote Control under Windows

  22. PLC控制取水井电动机的无线遥控系统

    The Remote-controlling System Controlled by the PLC for the Well 's Motor

  23. X射线造影用遥控自动注射装置

    A remote control automatic-injection instrument for X-ray radiography

  24. 遥控电路研究及专用IC设计

    Analysis and Design of the Remote Control ( RMCN ) circuit

  25. 用可编程序控制器实现F系列起重机遥控器的功能扩展

    Functions extensions of series F crane remote control device with application of PLC

  26. 移动X射线机遥控脚闸的设计

    Design of Remote-footswitch for Mobile X-ray Machine

  27. 红外遥控器控制系统的VHDL设计与FPGA实现

    VHDL design and FPGA implementation of the control systems in infrared remote controller

  28. RA码在无人机遥控遥测信道中的应用

    Research on Repeat-Accumulate Code over UAV ′ s Telecommand and Telemetry Channel

  29. 通过软件控制把PDA作为通用IR遥控

    PDAs as Universal IR Remotes Via Software Control

  30. 设计了下位机控制单元的实现方案,包括外部扩展的显示模块(LED)、红外遥控模块、通信模块等的设计方法。

    Design the realizing methods of controller unit , including LED display module , communication module , infrared remote controller module , etc.