
  • 网络Telemetry Seismic Instrument;telemetering seismometer;telemetric seismic instrument;earthquake telemeter
  1. 基于一年来ARAM-ARIES有线遥测地震仪在江苏油田地调处的使用情况,对其优点和不足进行探讨,以便于更好地利用设备的先进功能,取得最佳的地震资料,提高企业的经济效益。

    Based on one year 's application of ARAM-ARIES wired telemetric seismic instrument in Jiangsu oilfield , the paper summed up its advantages and disadvantages in order to fully use the advanced function of the instrument and obtain optical seismic data , improving economic benefit of industry .

  2. I/OSYSTEMTWO遥测地震仪在三维勘探中的应用

    Application I / O System Two in 3 D seismic exploration

  3. I/OImageSystem是我国从美国引进的最新型的遥测地震仪。

    I / O Image System is the latest telemetry seismic instrument .

  4. 文中介绍了I/OsystemⅡ遥测地震仪与200系列编译码器,进行有线放炮时遇到的几个问题以及解决办法。

    This paper introduces several problems met and how to solve them when using I / O system and sss-200 encoder / decoder to realize shooting down the cable .

  5. I/OSystemFour~(TM)VR全数字遥测地震仪SPS文件格式

    SPS File format of I / O System Four ~ ( TM ) VR total - digital telemetry seismograph

  6. 从SN388看遥测地震仪的发展趋势

    The Trend of Telemetry Seismic Instrument Development as Viewed from SN 388

  7. 遥测地震仪电线数字传输常采用的传输码型有:AMI、Manchester-Ⅱ、Miller、FSK等。教传电缆的特性和传输码型都是决定传输速率的重要因素。

    The code applied in telemetry system usually are : AMl , Manchester - II Miller and FSK etc Both the characteristics of cable and the code are key factors to determine the transmission rate .

  8. 本文概略介绍了SK-4遥测地震仪主控制器的主要功能、基本组成、各功能模块的工作原理及其基本数据通路;

    A brief introduction to the main functions , the basic composition , the principle of each module as well as the date path of its master controller is presented in this paper .

  9. 无缆遥测地震仪采集站的低功耗设计

    Low Power Consumption Design of Non-cable Telemetric Seismic Data Collecting Station

  10. 国外当代遥测地震仪的新发展

    The New Trend of Development in Current Telemetry System Abroad

  11. SK&4遥测地震仪的主控制器分析

    Analysing the Master CONtroller of SK-4 Telemetry Seismic Recording System

  12. 遥测地震仪发射机电路分析及检修

    Analysis and overhaul of transmitter circuit of Tele-recording seismographs

  13. 用相关编码实现遥测地震仪的高速数据传输

    Realizing High Speed Data Transmission in Telemetry Seismic System by Applying Correlative Coding

  14. 无线遥测地震仪的传输方式

    The Transmission Mode of Radio Telemetry Seismometer

  15. 无线遥测地震仪在山区施工中遇到的最大问题是无线电信号的传输。

    The serious problem is radio data transmission during the radio telemetry seismic equipment works in mountainous area .

  16. 解决因地形因素造成的无线传输障碍是无线遥测地震仪获得进一步发展的关键之一。

    One of the key to develop the radio telemetry seismic equipment should overcome the transmission trouble on account of the terrain .

  17. 现代通信技术的原理和方法正越来越多地被应用到新型遥测地震仪的设计与制造中。

    Principles and methods of modern communication technology are more and more applied to the design and manufacture of new style telemetry seismographs .

  18. 新一代遥测地震仪能有效提高采集质量和生产效率,降低成本,减少损耗。

    The new-type telemetry seismic instruments will not only raise the acquisition quality and productive capacity but also lower the cost and expense with effect .

  19. 本文主要从高信噪比、高分辨率、高保真度三方面论述了当代遥测地震仪对提高地震勘探野外采集质量所起的作用。

    This paper describes the action of today 's telemetry seismic instruments to enhance the acquisition quality from three aspects ; high S / N , high resolution and high reliability .

  20. ARAMARIES是一套全新的网络化的遥测数据地震仪。

    ARAM-ARIES is a new nel-link telemetry seismic data acquisition system .

  21. 尤其是遥测数字地震仪的出现更是地球物理仪器行业内的一次革命。

    Telemetry digital seismograph is a revolution within the geophysical instruments industry and is the preferred instrument of the deep Earth exploration and oil and gas exploration .

  22. 为提高野外遥测数字地震勘探精度,目前许多国家和地区都使用了遥测数字地震仪。

    In order to enhance the precision of telemetering seismometer , several countries and areas have made use of telemetering digital seismometer .