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  • 网络remote sensing image interpretation
  1. 采用遥感图像解译、天然地震震源分析等手段,对邯郸-峰峰矿区的新生代构造特征进行了深入研究。

    The methods of remote sensing image interpretation and earthquake hypocenter analysis were adopted to study the neotectonic characters of Handan-Fengfeng mining area .

  2. 研究表明,在山区和丘陵区进行线路工程选线时,应用航空遥感图像解译是一种十分经济有效的方法。

    The study manifests that in the route planning of line engineering projects in mountainous and hilly districts , the application of aerial remote sensing image Interpretation is a very economically effective method .

  3. 基于GVG采样系统检验遥感图像解译精度的方法&以其在农作物遥感估产中的应用为例

    Method of Verifying the Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Image Interpretation Based on GVG Sample System

  4. 在TM遥感图像解译和地形图分析的基础上,结合野外观察,研究了川西岷江上游深切河谷地形地貌特征,认为岷江河谷晚新生代的下切历史分为2个阶段。

    Based on the Landsat TM imagery interpretation and topographic analysis and coupled with field observations , this paper describes the morpho-structural and topographic characteristics of the deep-incised river valleys along the Minjiang upstream and proposes a 2-stage evolution model of the valley incision processes .

  5. 本文以沈阳市航空遥感图像解译出的固体废弃物堆放及具周围环境信息为基础数据,在IBMPc/XT微机上建立了固废遥感微机信息系统(MSWRSIS)。

    A Microcomputer Solid Waste Remote Sensing Information System ( MSWRSIS ) was set up in microcomputer ( IBM PC / XT ) by using image data of aerial remote sensing in Shenyang area .

  6. 协同遥感图像解译系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Cooperative Remote Sensing Image Interpreting System

  7. 新疆土壤侵蚀遥感图像解译分析研究

    Analysis on Interpretation of Remote Sensing Images of Soil Erosion in Xinjiang

  8. 天津海域遥感图像解译应用系统

    An Application System of Remote Sensing Imagery Interpretation for Tianjin Coast Area

  9. 遥感图像解译信息系统的建设

    Building of Remote Sensing Image Interpreting Information System

  10. 约束型贝叶斯网络在遥感图像解译中的应用方法研究

    A study of the restricted Bayesian network in the interpretation of remote sensing images

  11. 雷达遥感图像解译与散射模型

    Interpretation of Radar Image and the Scattering Model

  12. 针对小目标的遥感图像解译识别系统

    RS Image Interpretation Recognition System for Tiny Objects

  13. 应用遥感图像解译杭州湾海岸带演变

    Application of Remote Sensing Images in the Investigation of Coastal Zone Variation of Hangzhou Bay

  14. 实现该系统的关键在于对遥感图像解译的面向协同设计和协同支撑环境设计。

    Pivotal implementations of this system are cooperation-oriented design of RS image interpretation and designing cooperation supporter .

  15. 用信息系统的观念提出了建设遥感图像解译信息系统的方法。

    To provide methods to build remote sensing image interpreting information system using methodology of information system .

  16. 本文通过多时相、多平台遥感图像解译,了解它们的动态变化及发展趋势,这些信息为工程灾害评价及滑坡、泥石流防治工作提供了全面可靠的依据。

    Through the interpretation of multi-temporal and multi-platform remote sensing images the dynamic characters and developing tendency of landslide and debris flow can also be grasped .

  17. 通过遥感图像解译线性构造和环形构造,在厘清地形地貌分异的基础上,详细划分构造单元格局。

    By using remote sensing image to interpret linear structure and circular structure , considering differences in topography , to carve out a more detailed pattern of tectonic units .

  18. 文章利用遥感图像解译成果来讨论线性构造与铁矿的关系,结合野外地质工作认识,探讨铁矿成因类型和找矿前景。

    Based on remote sensing image interpretation and field investigation results the paper discusses relation of the linear structure to iron ore deposits and genesis of the deposits and points out the ore-searching direction .

  19. 评价内容包括图像的几何纠正、主要地物类型识别、典型地物图像面积量算与实地面积量测、样区遥感图像解译等几个主要方面。

    The main content of the evaluation included image rectification , image identification , acreage calculation from image and measurement on the ground of the typical landuse type , and image interpretation of sample area .

  20. 本文以遥感图像解译系统为研究对象,从分析传统单机解译的资源孤立性缺陷开始,寻找提高遥感图像解译效率的有效手段。

    This paper mainly studies on remote sensing image interpreting system . Beginning with analyzing serious limitation of resource isolation in conventional stand-alone interpretation , it searches efficient approach to improve remote sensing image interpreting efficiency .

  21. 笔者根据遥感图像解译结果,结合地质一地理调查分析认为,吉林西部的一些地形不是风的作用形成的,如弧形垄岗不是纵沙丘,坨子不是古沙丘,而是与构造活动有一定关系。

    According to result of remote sensing image interpretation and investigation of geology-geography the auther considers that some topographic - geomorphic units are not of aeolian but related to structural activity such as the arc ridge isn 't column dune and the lump isn 't old dune .

  22. 基于对遥感图像解译技术、计算机协同技术、人机交互技术的研究,提出有机结合三种技术的协同遥感图像解译系统方案,实现异地资源共享,从而提高遥感图像解译的时效性和客观性。

    Based on organic combination of RS image interpreting , CSCW , and HCI technology , a cooperative remote sensing image interpreting system ( CRSIIS ) solution is presented . This system implements different location 's resource share , and enhances instantaneity and objectivity of RS image interpretation .

  23. 根据上海地区遥感图像的解译信息,结合地理信息系统(GIS)的空间分析功能,以上海市青浦区为例。

    According to the remote sensing image information of Shanghai area , combining with geographic information system ( GIS ) , a method for watershed distribution of agricultural non-point source pollution was set up and applied in Qingpu district .

  24. 遥感图像目视解译土地信息之管见

    Express My Opinions on Land Information by Visual Image Interpretation

  25. 遥感图像目视解译值得注意的几个问题

    Several notable issues on visual interpretation of remote sensing image

  26. 四湖地区洪水期遥感图像的解译

    The interpretation of remote sensing image of flooding period in the Shihu region

  27. 遥感图像自动解译面临的问题与解决的途径

    The Problem and Approach in the Auto - interpretation of Remote Sensing Imagery

  28. 京西地区多种遥感图像地质解译效果评价

    Comparative evaluation of multi-image on geological interpretation in the west mountain area of Beijing

  29. 遥感图像地层解译色调标志的光谱分析

    The spectral analysis of the tone marks for stratum interpretation with the remote sensing image

  30. 探讨了土壤反射光谱特征与土壤水分、土壤有机质、土壤质地、土壤结构的关系。为遥感图像的解译提供依据。

    Relation of spectral charactristics and soil mosture , soil organic , soil texture and structure were provided .