
  • 网络distant worlds
  1. 这个观测卫星将继续跟进以往的探索工作,尽全力发掘关于遥远世界的新见解。人们已发现约4500颗环绕其它恒星运行的行星。

    Some 4500 planets have been discovered orbiting other stars .

  2. 与之相反,《圆明园长春园孤寂的拱门》(SolitaryArch,ChangchunYuan,YuanmingYuan)则表现的是积雪覆盖的一座残缺拱门,两侧栽着纤弱的歪树,好像是通往神奇而遥远世界的入口。

    Conversely , " Solitary Arch , Changchun Yuan , Yuanming Yuan , " shows the skeleton of a snow-topped vault flanked by thin tilted trees , an entrance into a world both magical and removed .

  3. 便得出结论:日落处想必是通往遥远世界的大门。

    Concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond .

  4. 还是在遥远世界的另一边

    or halfway across the world ...

  5. 在那来世的遥远世界里,当我们漫步在阳光下,若能不期而遇,我想我会无限惊讶地停下步履。

    I think I shall stop startled if ever we meet after our next birth , walking in the light of a far-away world .

  6. 年轻人看到日落,由于无法理解或表达心中激起的那种强烈感情,便断定日落处一定是通往遥远世界的大门。

    A young man sees a sunset and , unable to understand or to express the emotion that it rouses in him , concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond .

  7. 上周,他的公司正在忙于整理从遥远的世界另一角收集的零散信息,并预测在乌克兰将发生一场危机。

    Last week his firm was busy vacuuming up data bits from the far corners of the world and predicting a crisis in Ukraine .

  8. 这些天他一直思念着艾达,像是艾达死了一样,就好像她是在另一个遥远的世界。

    All this time he had been thinking of Ida as if dead , so far off in another world did those days seem .

  9. 这时,从遥远的世界的那一边,飘来了好吃东西的香味。他决定放弃在这个野兽出没的地方当国王了。

    Then all around from far away across the world he smelled good things to eat so he gave up being king of where the wild things are .

  10. 也许你会去你没想到,看到你从来没见过或旅行的美妙,遥远的世界和美妙的景点之间的事情的地方!

    Perhaps you 'll go to places you 've never expected and see things that you 've never seen or travel to fabulous , faraway worlds and wonderful spots in between !

  11. 你能想像在遥远的将来世界会变成什么样吗?

    Can you imagine what will become the world in the remote future ?

  12. 我发现我自己突然处于我以为很遥远的那个世界。

    I found myself in the midst of the very world that I had thought was so far away .

  13. 世界上最遥远的距离世界上最远的距离,不是生与死。

    The Most Distant Way In The World The most distant way in the world is not the way from birth to the end .

  14. 一架用于搜寻类地行星的太空望远镜首次探测到了遥远的新世界,为寻找地外生命翻开了新的一页。

    A space telescope dedicated to the hunt for Earth-like planets has detected a distant world for the first time , beginning a new phase in the search for extra-terrestrial life .

  15. 他的长期预测,尽管充满不确定性,呈现遥远的未来世界的大陆板块会再聚合,形成新超级大陆,他称之为「终极盘古大陆」。

    His long-term forecast , despite the uncertainties , portrays a distant time when the world 's continents come together again to form a new supercontinent , which he calls Pangea Ultima .

  16. 摘要新派武侠小说与哥特小说,一个属于古老的东方民族,一个来自于遥远的西方世界,但在题材、人物塑造、环境描写等方面有着异曲同工之妙。

    The new-style swordsmen novel and the Gothic novel , though against different cultural back-grounds , they do share some things in common in topics , molding of characters and description of surroundings .

  17. 白人殖民者以上帝的名义奔赴遥远的他者世界,要给那里带去文明的曙光,而在殖民地上,这些上帝福音的传播者其实是残暴的剥削者和压迫者,他们将那里变成了人间地狱。

    The white colonizers go to the " other " world to bring civilization there in the name of benign God . However , these evangelists actually are brutal exploiters and oppressors , who turn those virgin lands into a hell of human existence .

  18. 生活方式是关于共同的价值观、对遥远文化(关于世界存在、形成和发展的文华)的渴望;

    That'lifestyle'is about shared values , a lust for faraway cultures , for the world around that excites , shapes and nourishes .

  19. 对于美国人来说,亚洲的南沿伊朗、巴基斯坦、阿富汗看起来也许是一个遥远而陌生的世界。

    The southern rim of asia iran , pakistan , afghanistan is a region of the world that may seem remote and strange to americans .

  20. 长久以来,我一直认为中国经济在不太遥远的未来成为世界最大经济体几乎是不可避免的。

    I have long argued that it is more or less inevitable that China 's economy will in a not too distant future become the biggest in the world .