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yáo wàng
  • look into the distance
遥望 [yáo wàng]
  • [look into the distance] 向远处看;看远方

  • 遥望山头的苍松

遥望[yáo wàng]
  1. 比如,遥望着远方。

    For example , look into the distance .

  2. 牛郎织女相会时,母亲又将在银河下的尘世间把父亲遥望。

    Cowboy Weaver meet , the mother will be in the Milky Way under the father to look into the distance between the earth .

  3. 中年人,巴特继续写道,可以遥望远处的死亡,但是他们趁还有大好时光,以“慎重而缓慢的节奏”去完成那些远大而新生的事业。

    The middle-aged person , Barth continued , can see death in the distance , but moves with a " measured haste " to get big new things done while there is still time .

  4. 巴瑟萨匆匆离去了,罗密欧转身遥望维洛那城。

    Balthasar hurried off and Romeo turned to look towards Verona .

  5. 遥望远方,一丝微弱的灯光。

    Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light .

  6. 我尽可能遥望这条路。

    I looked down the road as far as I could .

  7. 当她从茅舍门口遥望明月时,

    As she looks on that moon from our own cottage door ,

  8. 从它的南岸,向北一路遥望这片大陆。

    Stand on its southern shores and picture the land rolling north .

  9. 这片沙漠拥有最适合遥望星空的环境。

    The desert has some of the most ideal conditions for stargazing .

  10. 这儿遥望到美丽的运河。

    It 's got a beautiful view overlooking the canal .

  11. 她站在悬崖上,遥望着大海。

    She stood on the cliff and gazed away out to sea .

  12. 国际式一词是否真的是遥望这群历史建筑的准确描述?

    Is it really a precise description of this exhibition ?

  13. 头遥望远方,我看到微弱的灯光。

    Up ahead in the distance , I saw a shimmering light .

  14. 遥望南方有云盖。

    But there are lots of clouds in the distance to the south .

  15. 你发誓你向天堂遥望。

    And you swear you 're looking at heaven .

  16. 但渐渐的,以往那种四处寻找责备对象的心理消失了,我开始遥望远方的希望。

    Gradually , my search for blame changed to a longing for hope .

  17. 他正遥望的国土,对他说来是绝对新鲜的。

    The country j which he was looking at was absolutely new to him .

  18. 重重的壳过着轻轻的遥望!

    Heavy shell is attached with the sight !

  19. 在英格兰东北,遥望北海,我们感受到大自然的壮阔美丽。

    In north east England , the North Sea gave us a splendid view .

  20. 日复一日的隔洋遥望。

    Ocean apart , day after day .

  21. 我遥望天空,只见风筝越来越小。

    I looked up into the sky and saw the kite become smaller and smaller .

  22. 一时间,好象在远处遥望某个盛大的爱国典礼似的。

    For a moment it was like watching some vast patriotic ceremony from a distance .

  23. 树下坐着一位美丽的姑娘,遥望着明月。

    B.Under that tree sits a beautiful girl who is looking at the bright moon .

  24. 去年这个时候,投资者和房屋所有人也在遥望着2011年。

    Around this time last year , investors and homeowners wondered what to expect in 2011 .

  25. 对你总是遥望不可及。

    You always look to reach .

  26. 对天空的遥望和思考伴随着人类的成长。

    The observation of the sky and thinking about it exist with the growth of human beings .

  27. 遥望圣城全球化时代的难民潮

    Refugees in the Global Times

  28. 我遥望四处,然后闭上眼睛说:“原来你在这里!”

    My eyes strayed far and wide before I shut them and said ," Here are thou !"

  29. 因为其中一个被柏林佩加蒙博物馆永久展览,这对宝物长年千里遥望。

    Its twin had long been part of the permanent display at the Pergamon museum in Berlin .

  30. 最后,我向左右遥望,两边都消失在苍茫的远方。

    Finally , I looked to my left and to my right , and on both the canyon .