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  1. 运用二项Logistic回归模型分析长水村农户林权抵押贷款行为的影响因素。

    By using binomial logistic regression model this paper analyzes the factors influencing farmers ' behavior to engage in forestry rights mortgage loan .

  2. 蒂森克虏伯电梯签约为新建的中国昆明长水国际机场提供77台旅客登机桥,98台自动扶梯和34台自动人行步道。

    ThyssenKrupp Elevator has won a contract to supply a total of77 passenger boarding bridges , 98 escalators and34 moving walks for the new Kunming Changshui International Airport in China .

  3. 一旦建成,这条隧道就将成为中国最长水下隧道、世界第一条水下真空隧道,使得往来福建、台北(相距180公里)两地的时间缩短到13分钟。

    Once built , it would become China 's longest underwater tunnel , as well as the world 's first underwater vacuum tunnel , cutting the travel time between Fujian and Taipei - located 180 kilometers apart - to just 13 minutes .

  4. 虽然它是世界上最长的水下洞穴,但它无法夺得“世界最长洞穴”的头衔。

    But while its size makes this the longest underwater cave , it can 't take the title of longest cave .

  5. 介绍H型钢桩在岩基中的打入情况、极限承载力、长距离水下送桩桩顶偏位等问题。

    It 's introduced some situation about H type steel pile driven into batholite , ultimate load carrying capacity and deviation of pile top while using long distance follower pile under water .

  6. 研究了长时间水浸泡奥贝球铁(ADI)的腐蚀行为和拉伸性能。

    The corrosion behavior and tensile properties of austempered ductile iron ( ADI ) immersed in water for a long time was investigated from the viewpoints of corrosion and water embrittlement .

  7. ADCP、罗经在海洋环境中测量存在着随机误差,这些误差在长距离水下航行的船位推算过程中累积起来,影响船位推算定位的准确度,因此需要利用GPS定位来修正位置信息。

    Random errors exist in ADCP and compass measurement in the ocean conditions , these errors can be integrated and impact the positioning accuracy for long distance submerged travel , so GPS is needed to correct the errors .

  8. 腿长的水蝽,掠过水面。

    Long-legged bug that skims about on the surface of water .

  9. 基于长基线水下声学定位系统的研究

    Realization of a long baseline acoustic positioning system for multi-targets

  10. 她长着水上吉普赛人的脸孔,黑里透红。

    She had the kind of water-gipsy face , dusky but rosy .

  11. 长基线水下导航定位系统测阵校阵及系统集成

    Array Calibration and System Integration of Long Baseline Underwater Acoustic Navigation Positioning System

  12. 蓄水两坝间长系列水动力及泥沙淤积的研究

    Long-Term Hydraulic-Dynamics and Sediment Accumulation Between Two Impounding Dams

  13. 长管水击最大水击压强的解析

    Analysis of Maximum Water Hammer Pressure in Long Pipelines

  14. 长叶水麻挥发性化学成分研究

    Study on the Volatile Constituents of Debregeasia longifolia

  15. 长基线水下目标定位新技术研究

    A New Long Base Line Underwater Positioning Technique

  16. 长时间水浸泡奥贝球铁的腐蚀行为及拉伸性能

    Corrosion behavior and tensile properties of Austempered Ductile Iron after long time immersion in water

  17. 同时,高科技的长隆水上乐园还拥有许多业界最新的水上设施。

    With its advanced technology , it also debuts many new aquatic facilities in the industry .

  18. 发现长链水溶性酯类适于用作配制高水基介质的基础酯成份。

    In general , the longer chain water-soluble fatty acid ester is suitably used as the based-ester composition of HWB fluid .

  19. 建成后,它将成为世界上最长的水下隧道,用铁路连接中国北方两座港口城市。

    When completed , it would be the world 's longest underwater tunnel , creating a rail link between two northern port cities .

  20. 提出了泥沙交换和河床粗化计算模拟的物理图案,对长系列水动力和泥沙运动进行了模化处理。

    The physical pattern of sediment exchange and bed coarsening simulation was put forward , and long-term data on hydraulic-dynamics and sediment motions were modeled .

  21. 本文研究了有限长充水圆柱置于水中,外声场透射形成的腔内声场自适应有源控制实验研究。

    In this paper , an experimental study on adaptive active control of sound trans-mission through a finite length water-filled cylinder in underwater is carried out .

  22. 所得研究成果通过长江中下游长历时水沙输运和河床变形的模拟计算,并与实测资料相比较,取得了良好成果。

    The results meet the actual measurements well , which is generated by long durative simulations on water-sediment transportation and river bed distortion in middle and lower reaches of Yangtse River .

  23. 中国官员正在考虑修建一条路线,将从中国的东北部开始,途经东西伯利亚,穿过白令海峡,再通过一条125英里长的水下隧道抵达阿拉斯加。

    Chinese officials are considering a route that would start in the country 's northeast , thread through eastern Siberia and cross the Bering Strait , via a 125-mile long underwater tunnel into Alaska .

  24. 化合物1和2系首次从长叶水麻中分离得到,1为该植物抗肿瘤活性成分的首例报道。

    Conclusion Compounds 1 and 2 were isolated from D. longifolia for the first time , and 1 provides the first example of antitumor constituents of the same plant , which possesses cell cycle inhibitory activity .

  25. 本文所建立的河道平面二维非均匀不饱和悬移质输移数学模型及计算模式,侧重于模拟长系列水沙过程中的河床变形。

    The planar ( 2-D ) mathematical model of non-equilibrium transport of nonuniform suspended load in river channel , established in this paper , is placed emphasis on simulation of river bed deformation process of longterm series water-sand data .

  26. 微孔滤膜实验表明,交联聚合物微球体系可对0.4μm的核孔膜形成有效封堵,但是长时间水化后的交联聚合物微球封堵性能降低。

    The results of nuclepore membrane filtration showed that the 0.4 μ m nuclepore membrane could be plugged by the linked polymer micro-ball system with the plugging capacity of the micro-ball being weaker when the hydration time was longer .

  27. 采用模拟实验方法,研究了全混状态下喷孔出口流速、孔径和孔长对水射流半扩展角β和源点xp/D的影响。

    It was studied that the effects of the diameters and lengths of orifices on the half spread angle β and virtual origin x_p / D of water jet in mixing conditions by simulating the jet caused by the stirrer .

  28. 长输管道水击过程中的同步现象

    Synchronization Phenomenon in Process of Water Hammer in Long Distance Pipelines

  29. 长距离冷冻水管道输送的冷损失工程计算分析

    A Discussion of the Heat loss of Long Distance Transportation Chilled Water

  30. 长距离净水管道工程水质保障中应注意的几个问题

    Problems of Water Safety of Long Pipe Project for Drinking Water Conveyance