
cháng xuē
  • Long boots;thigh boot
长靴[cháng xuē]
  1. 他的长靴和紫色贝雷帽表明他统领着苏格兰伞兵部队。

    His boots and purple beret identify him as commanding the Scottish Paratroops .

  2. 你的公寓月租是多少钱?n.长靴

    How much is your monthly rent for your apartment ?

  3. 她的家乡在亚特兰大,在那里,人们冬天不怎么穿长靴,JenniferShu曾经见过一些家长在孩子的运动鞋上涂防油防水剂,这是一种临时措施。

    In her hometown of Atlanta , where boots aren 't a regular part of winter wardrobes , Dr. Shu has seen parents Scotchgard sneakers as a temporary measure .

  4. 潮男潮女届时定会蜂拥至各时尚门店,抢购迪奥(Dior)饰有长颈鹿图纹的乙烯基塑料长靴、高田贤三(Kenzo)的霓虹色豹纹装以及路易威登(LouisVuitton)的豹纹及皮草珍品。

    Game-hunters will be stalking the shops for Dior 's vinyl giraffe boots , the neon cheetah prints at Kenzo , and Louis Vuitton 's leopard and leather prizes .

  5. 夏天的时候,经常会在消费水平较高的北京三里屯看到一些20多岁的女性,身穿印有科罗娜(Corona)或百威商标的裙子,有时还穿着白色长靴,穿梭于各个酒吧与顾客聊天。

    In the summer , women in their 20s , wearing dresses with Corona or Budweiser logos and sometimes long white boots , were often seen milling around the bars and chatting with customers in the upscale Sanlitun area of Beijing .

  6. 这里有BurberryProrsum的银色金属质感手包和过膝长靴,怪异得就像世界末日之后穿的某种护身盔甲;还有Pucci的金属质感连衣裙。

    Here is Burberry Prorsum 's silver metallic handbag and over-the-knee boots , eerily akin to some kind of post-apocalyptic body armour ; there is Pucci 's metallic shift .

  7. 事实上,不久之前,我与另一位在时尚界工作、住在伦敦的母亲交谈,话题是她那双后跟又尖又高的GiuseppeZanotti长靴。

    Indeed , not long ago I had another conversation with a fashion world mother who lives in London , about the problem of her spike-heeled Giuseppe Zanotti boots .

  8. 配穿长靴的宽脚口裤子当前对宽松的裤子的喜好;一条宽松的裙子。

    The current taste for wide trousers ; a full skirt .

  9. 大人通不需要长靴常在春节期间给孩子们压岁钱。

    Adult usually give lucky money to children during Spring Festival .

  10. 我那时很年轻,还穿着铁头长靴。

    I was younger then and , wearing steel toed boots .

  11. 你最好把长靴的水倒出来。

    You 'd better empty the water out of your boots .

  12. 去年短裙配长靴风靡一时。

    Short dresses and long boots were all the rage last year .

  13. 翌日,长靴猫的主人就和公主结婚了。

    The next day , the cat 's master married the princess .

  14. 穿牛仔靴或及膝长靴来搭配靴裤或紧身牛仔裤。

    Wear cowboy or knee-high boots with boot or skinny cut jeans .

  15. 但是如果里面就只有笨重的长靴呢?

    What if the only thing inside 's a bunch of stogies ?

  16. 我能租长靴和一顶硬帽吗?

    Can I rent boots and a hard cap ?

  17. 义大利的地形像只长靴。

    The shape of Italy is like a boot .

  18. 时下非常流行短裙和长靴。

    Nowadays , short skirts and long boots are very much in fashion .

  19. 我能把这长靴换成大一点的吗?

    Can I exchange these boots to bigger pair ?

  20. 强森教授穿上他的长靴,在沼泽四处走动。

    Professor Johnson put on his high boots and walked around in the marsh .

  21. 黑色平底的山羊皮长靴和羊毛衫让秋凉望而却步。

    Her flat black suede boots and cardigan help make this cooler weather appropriate .

  22. 只是奇怪你为何老穿着长靴子。

    Just wondered why you wore those boots .

  23. 长靴与格纹袜的加入,为寒冷的冬天解除烦恼。

    Check boots and socks to join , for the cold winter lifting trouble .

  24. 擦鞋童买回来了一双黑色的长靴。

    The bootblack bought the black boot back .

  25. 长靴已过时了吗?

    Has the fashion for boots gone out ?

  26. 长靴是否有可能改进经典的黑色长筒靴?

    PATENT BOOTS Is it possible to improve on the classic black riding boot ?

  27. 但她说,如果要选一样必不可少的,那就是长靴。

    But if she were to pick one essential , it would be boots .

  28. 她把长靴擦得乾乾净净。

    She scraped her boots clean .

  29. 在1100件杰克逊物品中,有最著名的杰克逊军装上衣和长靴。

    Jackson 's military jackets and moon boots are among the1100 Jackson family items up for sale .

  30. 搭配短裤长靴会让身材比例更完美,比传统的牛仔裤更抢眼。

    Boots with shorts will make a more perfect body proportion , more eye-catching than traditional jeans .