
  • 网络The Long Valley;Hase
  1. 模拟退火法反演远震P波波速慢度及方位数据求解长谷破火山口地壳速度结构

    Simulated annealing inversion of tele-seismic P-wave slowness and azimuth for crustal velocity structure at Long Valley caldera

  2. 最后洛杉矶市只得以一种互相让步的价格买下了长谷。

    Finally Los Angeles bought Long Valley at a compromise price .

  3. 长谷和他的妻子将于6月14日重返法庭参加初步听证会。

    Both Nagaya and his wife are due back in court on June 14 for a preliminary hearing .

  4. 你就是把北京西北的巍峨山脉劈出了深峡长谷的永定河。

    You are the same river that carved a long , deep canyon in the towering ranges of hills northwest of Beijing .

  5. 古代东加尼福利亚这场超级火山喷发形成了长谷火山口--约20英里长,11英里宽。

    The ancient super-eruption in eastern California formed the Long Valley Caldera - a feature that is nearly 20 miles long and 11 miles wide .