
  • 网络indirect moxibustion
  1. 摘要:目的观察隔物灸温度-时间曲线特性,探讨其临床意义。

    Objective To investigate the quality of the temperature-time curve of indirect moxibustion and explore its clinical significance .

  2. 古人施用隔物灸的灸量一般都较大,但大多日灸量少,而疗程长以累计灸量。

    The moxibustion quantity of indirect moxibustion is generally large , but moxibustion volume is little per day , the course of treatment is long . 5 .

  3. 隔物灸治疗原发性痛经寒湿凝滞型的临床观察

    Indirect moxibustion in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea of cold-damp coagulation type

  4. 隔物灸多因素综合作用测试分析

    Test and Analysis of the Integrated Effect of Multiple Factors in Indirect Moxibustion

  5. 裂解气相色谱对隔物灸作用成分的初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis of the Active Ingredients of Partition Moxibustion by Pyrolysis Gas Chromatograph

  6. 隔物灸的近红外光谱辐射特性测定

    The Infrared Measuring Technology for Temperature Infrared Therapy Determination of Spectrum Characteristic of Near Infrared Radiated by Indirect Moxibustion

  7. 目的:观察隔物灸治疗寒湿凝滞型原发性痛经的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the effect of ginger-partitioned moxibustion in the treatment of patients with primary dysmenorrhea ( PD ) of cold-damp stagnation type .

  8. 测量了隔物灸及其对猪肉作用的温度-时间曲线,以进一步研究艾灸作用过程中的温热效应。

    The temperature-time curves of indirect moxibustion and its effect on porcine meat are recorded for a further research of the moxibustion induced heat effect in bio-tissues .

  9. 隔物灸所采用的艾炷比直接灸艾炷大,如小指,梧桐子大。

    The moxa cone used in indirect moxibustion is bigger than that in direct moxibustion . It could be as big as the seed of a Chinese parasol tree or small as the size of the little finger .

  10. 结论:①隔物温和灸联合甲氨喋呤治疗早期RA疗效明显,可较快的控制疾病的发展。

    Separated mild moxibustion combined effect of methotrexate treatment of early RA , which may provide rapid control of the disease . 2 .

  11. 建立对比隔物温和灸配合MTX治疗RA和单纯运用MTX治疗RA对白细胞影响的实验体系。

    Set up the system about the contrast that the effect of methotrexate with cake-separated mild moxibustion therapy RA and pure using methotrexate therapy RA .

  12. 目的:通过临床观察,观察隔物温和灸对于寒湿痹阻型类风湿关节炎患者关节功能、体液免疫指标的影响,并且观察该方法对RA的治疗效果。

    Through the clinical observation , observed that sticks to the gentle dampness certified resistance type with rheumatoid arthritis joint function , the influence of the humoral immune index , and the method to observe the therapeutic effect of RA . Methods : 1 .

  13. 隔物温和灸结合药物治疗类风湿性关节炎的长期临床疗效评价

    Curative Effect Assessment for RA by Indirect Moxibustion Combined with Western Medicine

  14. 隔物温和灸配合西药治疗类风湿关节炎临床观察

    Clinical observation on treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with cake-separated mild moxibustion combined with western medicine

  15. 治疗组采用隔物温和灸联合药物治疗,药物治疗同对照组,每周连续5天治疗,1个月为一个疗程,共治疗3个疗程。

    Treatment group were separated mild moxibustion combined drug therapy drug treatment with the control group , Treatment for 5 days per week .

  16. 对于隔物温和灸寒湿痹阻型类风湿关节炎机理及其远期疗效,以及类风湿关节炎分型与治疗相关性值得进一步的深入研究。

    For every thing dividing moderate dampness certified type resistance rheumatoid arthritis mechanism and the long-term outcome , and rheumatoid arthritis points with treatment of correlation is worth further research .

  17. 说明甲氨蝶呤治疗类风湿关节的不良反应之一是引起白细胞、中性粒细胞减少,而当使用甲氨蝶呤治疗类风湿关节炎时若配合隔物温和灸则能够控制改不良反应的发生概率。

    Explain methotrexate therapy rheumatoid joint adverse reactions caused one of white blood cells is reduced , and when using methotrexate with cake-separated mild moxibustion can control sticks to the probability of adverse reactions .

  18. 结论:该次临床试验观察表明以下几点:1.隔物温和灸配合甲氨蝶呤组治疗类风湿关节炎对于患者症状及体征的改善优于单纯使用甲氨蝶呤组。

    Conclusion : This clinical trials observations suggest that the following : The methotrexate with cake-separated mild moxibustion therapy for patients with rheumatoid arthritis of symptoms and signs of improvement is better than pure using methotrexate group .

  19. 针灸对痛经有良好的治疗效果和预防作用,同时,改良的隔物温和灸结合了隔物灸的药物作用及温和灸的持续温热效果,避免两者的不足,达到最大疗效。

    But , acupuncture and moxibustion treatment which is used for dysmenorrhea treatment with good effect and play prevention role and has good effect . At the same time , substance-partitioned mild moxibustion combining with Chinese medicinal herb interactions of substance-partitioned moxibustion and continued warming effect of mild moxibustion .