
  • 网络pathogenic focus
  1. 1908年,专门为智能低下以及癫邪症患者所开设的东宾夕法尼亚州立机构在滨州东文森特成立。

    The Eastern Pennsylvania State Institution for the Feeble-Minded and Epileptic opened in 1908 in East Vincent , Pennsylvania .

  2. 中医认为正气存内邪不可干、邪之所凑其气必虚扶正可以有效的保护机体防止外邪侵袭,阻断了外因致病。

    TCM holds that " evil do not save as in "," evil have gather together the gas will virtual " permanently protect the body can effectively prevent the attacks from , blocking the external cause disease .

  3. 惊悸病因,一为风邪致病,一为虚劳所致。孙思邈《千金方》延续巢氏病源学术观点,认为惊悸病病因病机为风邪所伤,气血不足,其病位主要在心。

    Sun Ssu " Qian Jin Fang " continuation of the academic point of view of the nested source of the disease , fright disease etiology and pathogenesis for Feng Xie injured by lack of blood , the disease mainly in mind .