
xié rè
  • pathogenic heat;heat symptoms caused by an exopathgen
邪热[xié rè]
  1. 厚苔以里证为主要证候,多见痰热阻肺、邪热壅肺证候。

    When the fur was thick , the patient 's major syndromes were accumulation of phlegm heat in the lung and retention of pathogenic heat in the lung which belong to interior syndromes .

  2. 邪热伤肺,气阴两虚,迁延不愈是特发性肺间质纤维化(IPF)的初始原因;

    The pathogenic heat involving the lung , deficiency of qi and yin are the initial cause of IPF .

  3. 结果清热养阴方药及其配伍能降低邪热亢盛证大鼠的体温,增加CD4细胞数量,提高CD4/CD8比值,降低+++CD8细胞数量。

    Results The clearing away heat and nourishing Yin decoctions and the combination can descend the rats body temperature , increase amount of CD4 + cell , ascend ratio of CD4 + / CD8 + , descend the amount of CD8 + cell .

  4. 邪热犯心证患者,室性早搏多高发于日中时段;

    In patients with syndrome of pathogenic heat invading heart ( PHIH ), the PVCs mostly appeared in midday .

  5. 泻心胶囊对火邪热结型冠心病心绞痛的临床观察及对炎症因子干预作用

    Clinical study of Xiexin capsule on stenocardia of coronary heart disease in fire-evil stagnation type and effects of it on inflammatory factor

  6. 目的研究清热养阴方药及其配伍对邪热亢盛证大鼠T细胞亚群的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of clearing away heat and nourishing Yin decoctions and the combination on T cell subsets of the rat model of excess heat syndrome .

  7. 苦寒清热法,是中医治疗疾病常用的治法之一。在以邪热亢盛为主要基本病理变化的温病治疗中占主导地位,也是温病的重要治法。

    Bitter Cold Anti-pyretic method is one of the most frequent-use treatments in Chinese Medicine . Regulating temperature holds the principal leading role in treating pathology changing illnesses , and is also fundamental to the curing of temperature illnesses .

  8. 清肺止咳治疗中医咳嗽风邪化热壅肺证的临床研究

    Chinese Medicine Treatment of Cough Cough Qingfei Zhike Obstruct Heat of the Clinical Study of the Lung

  9. 风邪外感,痰热内蕴;

    Invasion of wind causing accumulation of phlegm - heat ;

  10. 对湿邪及火(热)邪易感性强。

    Dampness and fire ( heat ) evil susceptibility .

  11. 导师认为肾小球性血尿分急性发作期和慢性迁延期,急性发作期临床以肉眼血尿多见,以邪实为主,热证,实证为多。

    Instructors that glomerular hematuria and chronic sub-acute stage of delayed , acute exacerbation of clinical with gross hematuria more common to the evil reality-based , heat syndrome , evidence for multiple .