
  • 【电视剧】Supernatural
  1. 我们仍在遭受邪恶力量的攻击。

    We are still being attacked by the forces of evil

  2. 清白做人和正派生活无法保护我们不受社会中邪恶力量的伤害。

    Innocence and decent living are no protection from the evil elements within our society

  3. 真的是圣灵使我移动了,抑或是什么邪恶力量作祟?

    Is it really the Holy Spirit moving me , or is it some evil force ?

  4. 起初因被怀疑抄袭与之类似的连续剧《X档案》和《邪恶力量》而不被人们认可,但这个离奇的剧集最终还是为自己赢得了一席之地。

    Originally dismissed as a rip-off of similar series like The X-Files and Supernatural , this quirky little show has earned a place for itself .

  5. 但是布林十分执着:Google现在被邪恶力量攻击。如果其他人不站在他的角度看的这件事的话,他们就在支持邪恶力量。

    But Brin was adamant : Google was under attack by the forces of evil , and if his fellow executives did not see things his way , they were supporting evil .

  6. 在这季邪恶力量的剧情里,Dean和Benny已经走过了不短的旅程,但这还没有结束。

    While Dean Winchester has already been through quite the journey with Benny on Supernatural already this season , its not over yet .

  7. 一些铁杆“比裂波”甚至扬言抵制帕达里克出演的CW剧《邪恶力量》——尽管这并不算是帕达里克收到的最有威胁性的回复。

    Some of Bieber 's biggest supporters even threatened to not watch Padalecki 's long-running CW drama , " Supernatural " ... although those weren 't the worst threats Padalecki received .

  8. 片中一个生物强化方法也被称为“extremis”(终极改造),它将一些人类转变为充满邪恶力量的大块头,他们力量大增,看上去像僵尸一样。

    Extremis is also the name of a bioenhancement process that turns some of the movie 's humans into turbocharged heavies who glow with evil energy and look like zombies .

  9. 他是伟大的俘虏的邪恶力量。

    He was the great captive of the Power of Evil .

  10. 邪恶力量不但会来自外面。

    Evil will be drawn to you from outside the fellowship .

  11. 可刚抵达这里,这邪恶力量就摧毁了他们。

    But when they got here that evil consumed them .

  12. 谁将是对抗邪恶力量的神谕之人?

    Who will be the chosen one to face evil ?

  13. 一个掌握着全部邪恶力量的男人。

    A man with all the powers of hell at his command .

  14. 精灵无法抵抗这股邪恶力量。

    This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the elves .

  15. 凌驾于古老邪恶力量之上是种必然

    That sins of inevitable victories over the forces of old and evil

  16. 据说可以保护你不受邪恶力量侵害。

    It was said to protect you from evil spirits .

  17. 《邪恶力量》的结局要开始了。

    It 's the beginning of the end for Supernatural .

  18. 我们必须坚决反对威胁我们国家的邪恶力量。

    We must stand against the evil forces that are threatening our country .

  19. 对你来说,那些怪物不过是等着被消灭的邪恶力量。

    To you , these monsters are just evil beings to be vanquished .

  20. 还有永不松懈的邪恶力量。

    There is evil there that does not sleep .

  21. 谣传东方升起邪恶力量,人们心中产生无比的恐惧,

    Rumor grew of a shadow in the East whispers of a nameless fear .

  22. 这出戏用魔法召来了各式各样可怕而诱人的邪恶力量。

    The play conjures up the potency of evil in all its frightening seductiveness .

  23. 统治地球的邪恶力量。

    The evil powers that rule the earth .

  24. 他正在聚集邪恶力量。

    He is gathering all evil to him .

  25. 你带来了强大的邪恶力量。

    You bring great evil with you .

  26. “这些标记是红斑,他是在某些邪恶力量的驱使下着魔的,”另外一个争辩说。

    " the markings are stigmata , he is possessed by something unholy ," argued another .

  27. 如果筹划中的邪恶力量将会大得惊人以致无法反击又该当如何?

    What if the evil planned is truly colossal , or may even make retaliation impossible ?

  28. 但是透过我,魔戒将释放无法想像的邪恶力量。

    But through me , it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine .

  29. 《邪恶力量》男星詹森·阿克斯将会加入,饰演由美国队长为灵感塑造的“士兵男孩”一角。

    Jensen Ackles of " Supernatural " will join the cast as Captain America-inspired " Soldier Boy . "

  30. 斯诺登事件似乎鼓舞了那些认为硅谷有种邪恶力量的人。

    The Snowden affair seems to have galvanised those who believe there is something sinister about the power of Silicon Valley .