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  1. 从毒邪论治中风病急性期

    Treatment of the acute stage in apoplexy from pathogenic factor

  2. 中风毒邪论与神经保护治疗的研究

    Research on the idea of toxin evil causing stroke and neuro-protective therapy

  3. 从毒邪论治慢性乙型肝炎的理论探讨和临床应用

    Theoretical Exploration and Clinical Application of Pathogenic Toxin in Treating Chronic Hepatitis B

  4. 指出单纯的外感致病论及内伤致病论不足以反映SLE复杂多变之病情,内外合邪致病论更利于从整体上把握SLE的病因病机;

    Only exopathogen or internal injury is not enough to reflect the complication of SLE , both together are beneficial to grasp the etiology and pathogenesis of SLE .