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  1. 他们的第一个C级任务竟然要面对忍刀七人众之一的再不斩。

    Their first mission of a class C has put a knife to the face of one of seven people do not cut the public .

  2. 嗣响七子熔铸众长&王铎诗学思想简论

    Seven Sons , Descendants Cast with Other 's Strong Points & Brief Comment on WANG Duo 's Poetry and Literature Thought

  3. 新娘出嫁前三至七天,与众女性亲属,用哭和唱哭嫁歌的仪式来迎接婚姻这一人生的重大转变。

    Before three or seven days bridegroom married , she would meet marriage , which was the big change of lifetime with crying and singing wedding lament songs .