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qī shēnɡ
  • tones of the scale
  • the seven notes of China's ancient scale
七声 [qī shēng]
  • [the seven notes of China's ancient scale] 中国古代七声音阶中的七个级,即宫、商、角、变徵(比角高半音)、徵、羽和变宫(比羽高半音),相当于现行简谱中的1、2、3、4、5、6、7

  1. 艺廊曾经授予他七声猫叫。

    Where the gallery once gave him seven cat calls .

  2. 三种传统七声音阶的问世先后、彼此关系及记谱诸问题

    The Originating Turn , Notation and Relation among the Three Seven - Tone Scales

  3. 这里的四腔调式是以五声音阶为骨干的七声羽调式,且调式统一。

    The mode of the Four Chamber is unified seven modes , pentatonic scale being the backbone .

  4. 其中也包括有五声性的四声、五声、六声和七声调式。

    Nanyang folk song has a mode of five tone , which includes four , five , six and seven tones .

  5. 他大声呼喊,仿若狮子怒吼,可怕的吼声之后,我听到七声沉闷的雷响。

    And cried with a loud voice , as when a lion roareth : and when he had cried , seven thunders uttered their voices .

  6. 三种七声音阶之内涵、属性,完全取决于乐种、地域、风格、旋法表现以及内在听觉等音乐文化本质的东西,而非调式基因所能复制、组合。

    The connotations and properties of the three different types of Seven-tone scales are determined only by different music type , region , style , expression of melody and inner listening , etc , but never by the duplication or combination of Genes of Keys .

  7. 对其进行误差分析后,并与五元空间声阵被动声定位性能进行比较,得出七元空间声传感器阵列被动声定位算法能有效的提高了目标声源位置定位性能的结论。

    Compared with five-element array passive acoustic positioning performance , arrive at the conclusion that seven-element array passive acoustic positioning could improve the positioning performance .

  8. 针对此问题,从增加声传感器角度出发,提出七元空间声传感器阵列被动声定位算法。

    According to this problem , from the increase the number of sound sensor , propose seven-element array passive acoustic positioning and error analysis of this algorithm .