
  1. 《体育统计学》教学中应用PowerPoint的探索从素质教育谈中医专业医学统计学教学改革

    Exploring on Applying Powerpoint in Physical Education Statistics Teaching ; Discussing Medical Statistics Teaching Reform in Chinese Medical Science Specialty by Diathesis Teaching

  2. 以SCL90心身症状自评量表对116名中医专业大学生的心理状况进行测量分析。

    This paper presents the analysis of the psychological state of 116 TCM college students based on the SCL 90 psychosomatic self evaluation table .

  3. 中医专业本科毕业生业务技能调查报告

    An investigation on the professional skills of the TCM speciality graduates

  4. 它为中医专业的核心课程。

    This course is the essential course for the TCM student .

  5. 中医专业七年制学生临床实习存在问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Clinical Practice of Seven-Year TCM Students

  6. 七年制中医专业针灸方向临床教学改革调查与分析

    Teaching Reform Investigation and Analysis of Acupuncture Major of the Seven-Year Program

  7. 中医专业英语教学目的及方法的探讨

    Discussion on the objective and method of teaching English for Chinese medicine purpose

  8. 是中医专业临床课程之一。

    It is one of clinical courses for Chinese medical science specialty students .

  9. 中医专业七年制教育的再思考

    Thought from Seven - year System of CM Discipline

  10. 中医专业护生毕业实习现况调查与分析

    An investigation on status quo of clinical practice in nursing students of TCM specialty

  11. 中医专业大学生焦虑情绪分析

    An Analysis on the Anxiety of TCM Majors

  12. 《微生物与免疫学》(中医专业)教学改革简评

    Probe into reform in education on Immunology and Microbiology in the speciality of TCM

  13. 论药理学在中等中医专业的教学方法

    On the teaching methods of pharmacology in Chinese traditional medicine major of middle medical schools

  14. 中医专业学生第一学年成绩与入学教育改革

    The Performance of Students of TCM Speciality during the First Year and Reforming Entrance Education

  15. 中医专业开展生理学双语教学效果调查分析

    Research and analysis into effect of double language teaching of physiology in Chinese medicine specialty

  16. 西医临床教学对中医专业学生影响的调查分析

    A survey on the influence of western medicine clinical teaching for students of Chinese medicine

  17. 但中医专业英语教学目的何在,如何进行中医专业英语教学?

    However , what 's the objective of teaching English for medical purpose and how to teach it ?

  18. 认识其特征,并且采取适宜的教学方法,是目前中医专业英语教学应该努力的方向。

    To realize this and adopt a proper pedagogy is where our efforts should be made right now .

  19. 中医专业文理科生源学习成绩对比分析研究

    Analysis and research on grade comparison between students of science and those of arts & literature learning Chinese medicine

  20. 试论面向新世纪优化中医专业学生知识模块的必要性

    The necessity of rebuilding knowledge model for the students of TCM speciality to meet the demand of new century

  21. 以改革为先导以质量为前提&中医专业七年制本科教育探析

    Leading the way on reform and taking quality as prerequisite ── study on the education of 7-year TCM program

  22. 关于初中起点五年制中医专业课程体系和教学内容改革的调查研究

    Investigation on curriculum system and teaching content reform of 5-year undergraduate program of Chinese medicine for junior high school students

  23. 民族地区医学院校实习生的医德教育浅谈中医专业学生的医学影像学实习教学

    Medical Ethics Education for Clinical Interns in Minorities Area Experience of intern training program of medical imaging for traditional chinese medicine major

  24. 发现中医专业大学生与正常成年人相比,其强迫、抑郁、偏执和精神病性项目分偏高;

    The results show that compared with normal adults TCM college students have higher levels of constraint , depression , crankiness and psychiatric disturbance .

  25. 医学人文教育在医学专业教育中的多元渗透西医临床教学对中医专业学生影响的调查分析

    Diversified infiltration of medical humanity education into professional education A survey on the influence of western medicine clinical teaching for students of Chinese medicine

  26. 为中医专业的核心课程,基本理论知识的掌握和临床基本技能的运用,是本课程的目的与任务。

    As a essential course for the students , the aim is to master the basic theory and to perform the clinical technic of TCM .

  27. 从素质教育谈中医专业医学统计学教学改革浅谈中医专业学生的医学影像学实习教学

    Discussing Medical Statistics Teaching Reform in Chinese Medical Science Specialty by Diathesis Teaching Experience of intern training program of medical imaging for traditional chinese medicine major

  28. 根据中医专业英语的基本特点,在学习过程中,可采用词根法、分类法、比较法和综合法。

    According to the basic characteristics of English for TCM purpose , We may take the method of roots , classification , comparison and synthesis during the learning process .

  29. 方法从1~4年级中医专业各随机抽取2个班,共392人,在专业课教学中贯穿心理健康教育;

    Method : 2 classes of students of the Chinese medicine specialty were randomly selected from grades 1-4 respectively , 392 in total number . Psychological education was done among the teaching of specialty courses .

  30. 中医专业英语正处于发展时期,没有现成的经验可借鉴,根据笔者多年的英语教学经验,对中医专业英语的特点与学习方法作以总结。

    In the stage of development , there is no existed experience for English for TCM purpose . The authors summarize the characteristics of English for TCM purpose and learning technique based on the English teaching experience .