
  • 网络Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine;diagnosis of chinese medicine
  1. 中医诊断学是中医各专业的基础课,内容丰富,病证繁多。

    As a fundamental subject , diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine has plentiful content , and involves various disease and syndromes .

  2. 按调查表格逐项进行问诊、全面体格检查,尿中三氯乙酸(TCA)浓度和血浆中GST活性的测定。关于改进中医诊断学问诊内容与方法的思考

    To undertake diagnosis through interrogation , overall physical examination , and the determination of the concentration of trichloroacetic acid ( TCA ) and GST activity in the plasma item by item according to the questionnaire . Bettering interrogation contents and methods in the teaching of Chinese Diagnostics

  3. 对规划教材《中医诊断学》几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on Several Questions about Programming Teaching Material of TCM Diagnostics

  4. 关于改进中医诊断学问诊内容与方法的思考

    Bettering interrogation contents and methods in the teaching of Chinese Diagnostics

  5. 中医诊断学教学方法和手段的改革与思考

    Reform and Thinking of Teaching Methods and Means of TCM Diagnostics

  6. 中医诊断学术语及术语体系规范的研究

    Studies on the Terminology of TCM Diagnosis and Terminology System Standard

  7. 中医诊断学双语课程教学模式的研究与实践

    Research on Bilingual Teaching Mode of Traditional Chinese Diagnostics and Its Practice

  8. 互动式与传统式教学在中医诊断学教学中的比较

    A comparison of communicative type and traditional type of teaching Chinese diagnostics

  9. 《中医诊断学》计算机考试系统的构建与应用

    Establishment and application of computer testing system for TCM diagnostics

  10. 中医诊断学教学课件的开发与应用

    Development and application of teaching courseware of Chinese diagnostics

  11. 《中医诊断学》中的恒动观念

    Concept of Lasting Movement on TCM Technique of DIagnosis

  12. 浅谈中医诊断学的研究思路

    Discussion on the Research Approach of Diagnosis of TCM

  13. 建立数字舌图信息库是进行中医诊断学理论创新的基础

    Digital Lingua Image Database , the Base of Theoretic Innovation on Diagnostics of TCM

  14. 中西医结合专业中医诊断学教学探讨

    Discussion of teaching diagnostics of Chinese medicine of the Chinese medicine integrated with Western medicine specialty

  15. 主要从诊法、辨证方面入手,具体阐释恒动观念在中医诊断学中的指导意义。

    The author explain the means of concept of lasting movement for directing TCM technique of diagnosis .

  16. 中医诊断学是联系中医基本理论与临床各科的桥梁。

    Diagnostics of Chinese medicine is a bridge linking pre-clinical theories and different clinical sections of Chinese medicine .

  17. 前言:目的改革中医诊断学传统的教学方法,建立新型的教学模式。

    Objectives : To reform traditional methods of teaching diagnostics of Chinese medicine and establish new teaching mode .

  18. 创新应以开放思想,拿来主义,充实和革新中医诊断学;

    To innovate is to open mind and learn exotic things so as to enrich and improve Chinese Diagnostics ;

  19. 《中医诊断学》是由国家组织编写供中医院校使用的教材。

    Diagnostics of TCM was a teaching material which was compiled by government for the students of Colleges of tcm .

  20. 舌诊部分参看《中医诊断学》五版教材(修订版)舌诊部分内容。

    Tongue diagnosis part of the materials refer to the Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine Fifth Edition ( Revised Edition ) tongue diagnosis part of the contents of .

  21. 证治相关性研究是中医诊断学中有关证研究的薄弱环节,近年来也成为了中医诊断学研究的一个热点。

    The study of correlation of syndrome with treatment is a weak point of syndrome study which has been becoming a hot point in diagnostics of Chinese medicine in recent years .

  22. 就中医诊断学来说,如何在辩证论治的基础上,利用现代先进的检查仪器,不断丰富自己,实现中医诊断的现代化,是摆在我们面前的一个课题。

    As far as Chinese Diagnostics is concerned , it remains a question to modernize Chinese diagnosis by means of advanced modern test instruments on the basis of differentiation and treatment .

  23. 通过将典型病证运用于中医诊断学多媒体教学实践中,达到了帮助学生提高感性认识,增强学习兴趣,有助于提高教学质量的目的。

    Introducing typical cases in the practice of TCM diagnostics multimedia teaching helps the students to understand , add interests in study , and results in an elevation of teaching quality .

  24. 通过以上几方面的研究,心脾气虚证在证候本质及客观化等方面都有了较明确的规范,从而在中医诊断学的脏腑兼证研究方面做出了积极的探索。

    Through the research of the above several respects , the essence and objectifying of heart-spleen qi deficiency have more clear standards , thus made a positive exploration in research pf the TCM diagnostics .

  25. 舌诊,又是望诊中相当重要的一个部分,长期以来为中医诊断学的学者们所重视,在临床上,它与脉诊具有同样重要的地位。

    Tongue examination is an important part of the inspection . It has been the attention of the medical scientists of the Chinese medical diagnostics . In the clinical , it is equally important with pulse examination .

  26. 本文力求按照历史的本来联系,做到历史与逻辑相统一,史论结合地对中医诊断学的特殊性进行历史文化根源的探索,并对中医诊断学进行价值判断。

    This thesis endeavours to relate originally according to the history to achieve the history and logic unifies . This thesis probes the historical and cultural rootstock of particularity of the diagnostics of TCM and carries on the value judgment on it .

  27. 中医的诊断学就是以把握人体系统整体涌现性为目标而建立的,通过望闻问切四诊所获得的信息都是有关人体整体涌现特性的信息。

    Chinese medicine diagnostics is to grasp the human system as a whole emerged as the goal established , the information obtained through the four clinics of the look and smell are the characteristics of information emerged about the body as a whole .

  28. 七年制中医学专业诊断学教学中强化技能训练的尝试

    Practice of strengthening skill training for teaching diagnostics in the seven year program of Chinese medicine

  29. 高等中医院校《西医诊断学》课程的改革与实践

    The Innovation and Practice of Diagnostics Course in Chinese Medical College

  30. 中医类专业西医诊断学教学改革探索

    An Exploration into Teaching Reform of Western Medicine Diagnostics in Traditional Chinese Medicine Major