
  • 网络categorical identification in terms of causes
  1. 对照组(40例)按病因辨证理论,采用常规针刺疗法进行治疗。

    The control group ( 40 examples ) according to the cause of disease dialectical theory , use the convention acupuncture treatment to carry on the treatment .

  2. 采用督脉与病因辨证、局部针刺三步取穴法治疗类风湿性关节炎;采用补益肝肾、壮督兴阳法治疗强直性脊柱炎;

    In acupuncture and moxibustion , he adopts the Governor Vessel and etiological analysis and differentiation , local acupuncture three step acupoint selection for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis ;

  3. 女性外阴瘙痒的临床病因与辨证施治

    Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Vulva Itch Disease

  4. 病因治疗与辨证论治相结合治疗习惯性流产62例临床观察

    Clinical observation of 62 cases of habitual abortion using pathogenesis treatment together with dialectical multiple medical cure

  5. 并在其病因病机及其辨证治疗方面均有所记载。

    And differentiation in the Etiology , Pathogenesis and treatment were recorded .

  6. 假性延髓麻痹定义、病因病机、辨证治疗及现代医学对该证的认识。

    Definition , etiology , pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation , treatment and modern medicine understandings of Pseudobulbar Palsy .

  7. 失眠的病因病机及辨证分型的研究骨髓增生异常综合征的分型研究

    The Research on Etiology , Pathogenesis and Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs for Classification of Syndrome of Insomnia

  8. 目的:研究视疲劳发病的相关因素,探讨其病因病机、辨证分型及其特点。

    Objective : Study the pathogenesis of visual fatigue related factors , discusses the etiology and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiations and characteristic .

  9. 现代中医药抑郁症临床研究主要包括病因病机、辨证论治研究和中药实验研究。

    Modern Chinese Medicine clinical study of depression includes etiology detecting pathogenesis , treatment based on the differential diagnosis and using of Chinese medicine .

  10. 方法对122例卵巢早衰患者进行病情、病因调查及中医辨证。

    Methods The pathogenetic condition and etiological factor of122 patients with POF were surveyed , and TCM syndrome differentiation was carried out on them .

  11. 文献综述部分论述了中医对血栓闭塞性脉管炎病因病机及辨证论治的古代、现代认识。

    Part of literature review on traditional Chinese medicine on the ( TAO ) Etiology , Pathogenesis and Treatment of the ancient , the modern understanding .

  12. 中医文献综述主要是论述了近代中医对于慢性肾小球肾炎的中医病名、病因病机、辨证论治及现代临床研究等内容。

    Chinese literature review mainly discusses the modern Chinese for chronic glomerular nephritis by TCM name , etiology and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation and modern clinical research .

  13. 从病因病机、辨证论治、用药经验及其他疗法等方面,研究名医治疗慢性乙型肝炎的经验规律。

    Etiology and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation and treatment from , medicine experience and other treatments , the study medical treatment of chronic hepatitis b experience rule .

  14. 第一部分为理论研究。综述一从病因病机、辨证论治等方面阐述颈动脉粥样硬化的中医研究概况。

    Review 1 introduces the study review of Chinese medicine to carotid arteriosclerosis ( CAS ) from etiological factor , pathogenesis , treatment based on syndrome differentiation .

  15. 本文从流行病学及病理类型、发病机理、中医病因病机、辨证论治、专方专药研究等方面进行综述。

    This paper sums up researches on epidemiology , pathological classification , pathogenic mechanism , TCM etiology and pathogenesis , differential treatment , and specific prescriptions and medications .

  16. 笔者现从病因病机、辨证论治、临症配伍、药物服法、西药治疗等方面将吾师经验作以总结。

    I will summarize the experience of my teacher , from the pathogenesis , diagnosis and treatment , drug regimens , the treatment of western medicine and so on .

  17. 目前对失眠的研究颇多,但对失眠的病因病机、辨证分型的研究歧义尚多,未臻完备。

    There are many studies about insomnia , but there is still no conclusive explanation to the pathogenic factors and pathogenesis and differentiation of the syndrom is not perfect .

  18. 对胸痹的病因病机、辨证证型进行古今文献的比较研究,由此探讨胸痹的本质与特征,为现代胸痹的临床治疗提供依据。

    This paper compares the ancient and current literature concerning the etiology , pathogenesis and pattern categorization of chest distress , which provides literature evidence for today 's clinical treatment .

  19. 结果:1.本文对痹证的的渊源沿革、命名分类、病因病机、辨证论治等进行整理研究。

    In this paper , the certificate of certification of origin evolution , naming , classification , etiology and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation and treatment study on finishing , etc.2 .

  20. 本文就近十年来中医药治疗阳痿的报道,从病因病机,辨证论治,专方专药,针灸及其他疗法等方面对阳痿进行综述。

    In recent ten years , treatment of impotence with special medicine and formula , acupuncture and other therapies based on its cause and pathology and differentiation of syndromes were summed up .

  21. 文章从中医病因病机、辨证治疗、复方研究、治疗时机等方面对中医药治疗艾滋病进行了总结。

    The article gives a summary of the HIV / AIDS treatment with TCM from the aspect of Etiology , Pathogensis , Different al Treatment , Compound drugs re-search and Treatment time .

  22. 本文主要从文献研究角度探讨该病的中医渊源、病因病机、辨证治疗、现代研究情况等,并探讨其未来发展方向。

    By reviewing literature on male climacteric syndrome , this study explores its TCM origin , etiology and pathology , differential diagnosis and treatment , research progress , and its future development .

  23. 第一部分,理论研究。通过较为系统的文献整理,综述了古今医家对酒精性肝病的病名、病因病机、辨证分型、证候表现等文献研析。

    By a systematic study on literatures , this part summed up researches by ancient and modern doctors on names , causes , mechanism , syndrome and classification , nature of syndrome of alcoholic liver disease .

  24. 从病因病机、辨证分型、治则治法、治疗方药、现代研究进展五个方面,综述了近5年来中医药对慢性胃炎的研究概况。

    The research of TCMP on chronic gastricism was summed up from the five aspects including pathogeny and pathogenesis , different types based on symptoms and signs , therapeutic treatment and prescription , modern researchful development .

  25. 分析其有效的治疗恶性肿瘤的方法的各方面因素:病因病机,辨证方法,方剂应用,药物配伍规律的分析。

    Analysis of the effective in the treatment of malignant tumor of the method of various factors : the etiology and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation method , and application of prescriptions , drug compatibility the analysis of the law .

  26. 从病因病机、辨证分型、专方专药、中西医结合、针灸疗法等方面,综述了精液不液化症的中医药治疗进展情况。

    Reviews are made on advance in treating non-liquefaction of sperm by TCM from several aspects-etiology and pathogenesis , classification of syndrome differentiation , specific prescriptions , combined method of TCM and Western medicine , acupuncture and moxibustion , etc.

  27. 根据古今中医文献论述,较系统介绍中医对糖尿病和胃轻瘫的关系、糖尿病胃轻瘫的病因病机及辨证治疗策略的认识。

    By reviewing the ancient and modern literature of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ), this paper summarized systematically the relationship between diabetes mellitus and gastroparesis , Diabetic gastroparesis 's pathogeny , pathogenesis , strategy of the diagnosis and treatment .

  28. 通过整理与研究阎师强直性脊柱炎学术经验,系统总结与分析了阎师提出的本病中医病名、病因病机、辨证分型理论体系、辨治法则、五连环综合治疗法等。

    By finishing with the study of Yan Professor ankylosing spondylitis academic experience , Summary and analysis put forward by Professor Yan TCM diseases , pathogenesis , syndrome type theoretical system , treating law , the " five comic " therapy .

  29. 得出脑卒中后假性球麻痹的中医病名、病因病机、辨证分型;针刺治法、选穴;康复训练方法以及相关症状的评价、疗效标准的统计结果。

    Draw pseudobulbar paralysis after stroke TCM etiology and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation and disease , parting ; Acupuncture treatment of law , choose acupuncture point ; Rehabilitation training method and evaluation standard of symptoms related to the statistical results of curative standard .

  30. 笔者有幸侍诊于旁,通过抄方学习对于吾师治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎的经验有所了解,今试将导师的经验从病因病机、辨证论治、用药特点等方面进行阐述。

    The author found by waitresses near to learn , through copy party for my teacher treat chronic atrophic gastritis experience to understand somewhat , this will be the experience from mentor etiology and pathogenesis , syndrome differentiation and treatment , drug characteristics aspects .