
  • 网络remote sensing imagery
  1. 卫星遥感影像图在国家公益林核查工作中的应用

    Application of Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery in the National Inspection on Public Beneficial Forests

  2. 探讨了基于遥感影像图进行城市地震灾害模拟的可行性,提出了一套利用GIS栅格分析功能进行城市地震灾害模拟的方法。

    This paper discussed the possibility of city earthquake disaster simulation based on RS image and GIS grid analysis .

  3. 遥感影像图在PDA上的快速显示技术及其应用

    Technology of Rapid Rendering of Massive Remote Sensing Image in PDA

  4. 基于TM遥感影像图的鞍山市千山植被变化研究

    Study on Changes of Vegetation in Qianshan of Anshan City Based on TM Remote Sensing Images

  5. 基于MODIS的鄱阳湖区水体水灾遥感影像图制作

    The mapping of flood remote sensing image based on MODIS in Poyang Lake Region

  6. 详细论述了一种从TM/ETM+遥感影像图提取群体建筑物专题信息并创建群体建筑物栅格的方法,以及场地地震动峰值加速度(PGA)衰减栅格、工程场地条件栅格的创建方法。

    The detail technique of this simulation , including extraction of specialist information of swarm building from Landsat TM / ETM + image and creating PGA attenuating grid and worksite condition grid has also been discussed in this paper .

  7. 另外,类别1的钾、铀、钍含量都较低,经与遥感影像图对比,可能属于水体和湿地的反映。

    In addition , the contents of uranium , thorium , potassium are low in category 1 may reflect the water region or wetlands environment .

  8. 将遥感影像图运用到小城镇的产业结构分析中,客观、直接地反映出产业结构的变化对小城镇结构相应的发展变化。

    In the end , it adopts the technology of remote sensing , and shows the affection to the structure of small town , directly , though the changes of industrial structure .

  9. 我们将以规则像元阵列表示空间地物或现象分布的地图(如,遥感影像图、地形扫描图)称之为栅格地图。

    We named these maps the raster data map , which express special geographical elements or phenomena distributing through regular pels array , such as remote sensing image , terrain scan image .

  10. 本文主要采用社会调查方法获取宜居北京生活便利性的主观数据;同时利用数字北京数据库、北京市遥感影像图、相关地图资料和相关统计数据等获取宜居北京生活便利性的客观数据。

    The subjective data of Beijing life convenience are mainly derived from a field survey . The objective data are from Digital Beijing Database remote sensing data sources , and other related map and statistics data .

  11. 在该铀矿床的地质研究基础上,对其卫星遥感影像图的最佳时相选择、最佳波段组合及影像特征、影像模式等问题进行了探讨。

    Based on the geologic study on the uranium deposit , the items about remote sensing images of the mineral deposit were discussed , such as the best choice of temporal , the best compose of band , the image characteristics and image model .

  12. IDL程序去除MODIS遥感影像镶嵌图中的黑色条带

    Using IDL to Remove Black Belt from the Mosaic of MODIS Remote Sensing Images

  13. 数学形态学流域分割算法在遥感影像水系图图像分割中的应用

    The Application of Watershed Algorithm based on Mathematics Morphology to Segment the Water System Images

  14. GB15968-1995遥感影像平面图制作规范

    Specification for making photoplan of remote sensing

  15. 基于TM遥感影像的林相图的编制与应用

    Compilation and application of stock map on account of TM remote sensing images

  16. 利用OpenGL制作LANDSATTM遥感图像三维影像图

    On the Generation of Landsat TM 3D Remote Sensing Image Map with OpenGL

  17. 基于ERDAS的遥感影像正射图的制作

    Making Digital Orthophoto Map Using ERDAS

  18. 论文以研究区地质资料、遥感影像、地形图资料、历史文物资料等数据资料为基础,利用GIS的数据处理和空间分析方法,对研究区的非均匀沉降问题进行了分析。

    Based on geological data , RS data , topographic maps and historical data , the changes in differential subsidence of the southern Dongting Basin are studied by using the spatial analysis method of GIS in this paper .

  19. 利用信息复合方法编制遥感考古专题影像图

    Utilize Information Compound Method and Compile the R.S.Archaeology Thematic Image Map

  20. 扫描地图、遥感影像分割分类图、栅格分析得来的栅格地图统称为栅格地图。

    The Raster Map includes the Scanning map , the Classification diagram of RS Image and Raster analysis result of Raster map .

  21. 通过研究这一地区的滑坡在多种遥感影像上的图斑特征配合实地考察,分析并列举了干扰滑坡识别的图斑,总结出该地区的古滑坡、活动滑坡和典型滑坡的识别特征。

    By the study of multi-images and the site investigation in region , the authors find the fake image information and conclude image features about landslide .

  22. 与线划图相比,遥感影像正射图有很多线划图无法比拟的优点,因此它在城市规划、土地管理、铁路、公路选线等方面有着特殊的应用。

    Digital orthophoto map has many advantages compared to digital line graphic . The digital orthophoto map is broad applied in urban planning , land use management and route planning of railway and highway .

  23. 而无论是从遥感影像还是通过纸图扫描数字化来获取多比例尺地图数据,都少不了制图综合,地图的数字化生产迫切需要制图综合自动化,自动制图综合已成为制约GIS发展的瓶颈问题。

    Cartographic Generalization is indispensable to getting multi-scale map data , whether through remote sensing image or map scanning digitizing . Digital cartography cry for automatic cartographic generalization , Automating cartographic generalization has been the bottleneck of GIS ' development .

  24. 该项研究使用PC计算机,对山东省陆地14景美国陆地卫星ETM+影像进行了数字镶嵌,并进行了林地计算机自动分类的尝试,制作出了山东省卫星遥感影像森林资源分布图。

    Using PC computer in the study , Shandong province land 14 images shot by USA landsat ETM + are digitally mosaic . We engage in a try on computer automatic classification , and make satellite remote sensing image forest resource map of Shandong province .

  25. 实现了影像与城市原有的数字线划图(DLG)的叠加,对遥感影像在城市地形图更新、城市三维可视化方面的应用做了深入的探讨。

    Achieved the superposition between remote sensing image and original digital line graphics ( DLG ), give the thorough research of remote sensing image application in updating the geomorphologic map in town , also researched in city three dimensions visual application .

  26. 利用高空间分辨率卫星遥感数据制作影像交通图

    Traffic Image Map Using High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data

  27. 山东省卫星遥感影像森林资源分布图的试制

    A Trial Make on Satellite Remote Sensing Image Forest Resource Map of Shandong Province

  28. 提出一种主要适用于低分辨率遥感影像的基于启发式图搜索法A~算法的道路半自动提取方法。

    A Heuristic Graph Search algorithm used to extract road semi-automatically mainly from low-resolution satellite imagery is presented .

  29. 论文的主要工作包括:1.综合应用最大似然法和决策树方法,提取得到1992年和2002年两期遥感影像湿地类型专题图。

    Among the main tasks include : 1 . Integrated application of maximum likelihood and decision-Tree methods , obtained two wetland thematic maps of 1992 and 2002 .

  30. 利用不同时段的遥感影像、数字化地形图和历史航空相片,在地理信息系统平台上获取广西海岸线的时空变化资料,并对其进行分析。

    Spatial and temporal data of the change of Guangxi shoreline were obtained and analyzed on the platform of geographical information system ( GIS ) by using satellite remote sensing images , digital topography maps and historical airplane photos in different periods of time .