- 网络remote sensing imagery

Application of Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery in the National Inspection on Public Beneficial Forests
This paper discussed the possibility of city earthquake disaster simulation based on RS image and GIS grid analysis .
Technology of Rapid Rendering of Massive Remote Sensing Image in PDA
Study on Changes of Vegetation in Qianshan of Anshan City Based on TM Remote Sensing Images
The mapping of flood remote sensing image based on MODIS in Poyang Lake Region
The detail technique of this simulation , including extraction of specialist information of swarm building from Landsat TM / ETM + image and creating PGA attenuating grid and worksite condition grid has also been discussed in this paper .
In addition , the contents of uranium , thorium , potassium are low in category 1 may reflect the water region or wetlands environment .
In the end , it adopts the technology of remote sensing , and shows the affection to the structure of small town , directly , though the changes of industrial structure .
We named these maps the raster data map , which express special geographical elements or phenomena distributing through regular pels array , such as remote sensing image , terrain scan image .
The subjective data of Beijing life convenience are mainly derived from a field survey . The objective data are from Digital Beijing Database remote sensing data sources , and other related map and statistics data .
Based on the geologic study on the uranium deposit , the items about remote sensing images of the mineral deposit were discussed , such as the best choice of temporal , the best compose of band , the image characteristics and image model .
Using IDL to Remove Black Belt from the Mosaic of MODIS Remote Sensing Images
The Application of Watershed Algorithm based on Mathematics Morphology to Segment the Water System Images
Specification for making photoplan of remote sensing
Compilation and application of stock map on account of TM remote sensing images
On the Generation of Landsat TM 3D Remote Sensing Image Map with OpenGL
Making Digital Orthophoto Map Using ERDAS
Based on geological data , RS data , topographic maps and historical data , the changes in differential subsidence of the southern Dongting Basin are studied by using the spatial analysis method of GIS in this paper .
Utilize Information Compound Method and Compile the R.S.Archaeology Thematic Image Map
The Raster Map includes the Scanning map , the Classification diagram of RS Image and Raster analysis result of Raster map .
By the study of multi-images and the site investigation in region , the authors find the fake image information and conclude image features about landslide .
Digital orthophoto map has many advantages compared to digital line graphic . The digital orthophoto map is broad applied in urban planning , land use management and route planning of railway and highway .
Cartographic Generalization is indispensable to getting multi-scale map data , whether through remote sensing image or map scanning digitizing . Digital cartography cry for automatic cartographic generalization , Automating cartographic generalization has been the bottleneck of GIS ' development .
Using PC computer in the study , Shandong province land 14 images shot by USA landsat ETM + are digitally mosaic . We engage in a try on computer automatic classification , and make satellite remote sensing image forest resource map of Shandong province .
Achieved the superposition between remote sensing image and original digital line graphics ( DLG ), give the thorough research of remote sensing image application in updating the geomorphologic map in town , also researched in city three dimensions visual application .
Traffic Image Map Using High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data
A Trial Make on Satellite Remote Sensing Image Forest Resource Map of Shandong Province
A Heuristic Graph Search algorithm used to extract road semi-automatically mainly from low-resolution satellite imagery is presented .
Among the main tasks include : 1 . Integrated application of maximum likelihood and decision-Tree methods , obtained two wetland thematic maps of 1992 and 2002 .
Spatial and temporal data of the change of Guangxi shoreline were obtained and analyzed on the platform of geographical information system ( GIS ) by using satellite remote sensing images , digital topography maps and historical airplane photos in different periods of time .