
  • 网络remote guidance;remote control guidance
  1. 此次飞行没有遥控制导,时间最长为30分钟。在遇到故障时,它还会有大量的故障保护措施,如备用电池、旋翼,在最坏的情况下,它还备有几个降落伞。

    Meant to fly without remote control guidance and with a maximum flight duration of 30 minutes , it comes with plenty of fail-safes in case of trouble : back-up batteries , rotors and , for a worst case scenario , a couple of parachutes .

  2. 文章首先介绍指令传输系统所工作于的电视遥控制导系统的总体结构及原理。

    This article firstly introduces the overall structure and principle of television remote control guidance system , which instruction transmission system works in .

  3. 基于神经网络的电视遥控制导导弹损失率预测

    Loss Probability Forecast of Television Controlled Missiles Based on Neural Network

  4. 复杂环境空地电视遥控制导导弹作战效能仿真

    Simulation of Combat Effectiveness for TV Telecontrol Guided Missile in Complex Background Environment

  5. 电视图像遥控制导小型战术导弹无线电双向信息传输链路的研究

    Research on Information Link for Small Television Guided missile

  6. 在电视遥控制导导弹作战效能评估基础理论基础上,分析了作战效能指标及其计算方法。

    In this paper the method of computing effectiveness indexes is discussed based on fundamental problems involved in operational effectiveness of television remote control missile and make simulation .

  7. 针对防区外空地电视遥控制导导弹火控系统进行精度分析与评估,利用蒙特卡罗法对防区外空地导弹火控系统进行了全武器精度分析仿真。

    Secondly , the whole system model and precision analysis model of air-to-ground television remote control missile were set up based on analyzing properties o errors . The established mathematical models were simulated by using the Monte Carlo method .

  8. 中程空地电视遥控指令制导导弹光电干扰研究

    Study on Electro-optic Jamming of Intermediate Range TV Guided Missile Weapon System

  9. 以遥控电视制导巡航导弹为例,建立了空地巡航导弹对地攻击作战效能评估模型。

    Based on remote control TV homing and guided cruise missile , the combat effectiveness evaluation model for missile attacking ground is established .

  10. 研究了电子对抗与干扰对中程空地电视遥控指令制导导弹武器系统的影响,重点分析了地面有源干扰站和云层、烟幕对空地导弹的干扰情况。

    The effect of electronic countermeasures on weapon systems was studied , emphasizing upon the analysis of the jamming of ground jamming station , atmosphere and smoke screen on intermediate range air-to-surface television command guidance missile .

  11. 本文给出了准瞄准线、准三点导引法及适用于遥控反坦克导弹的击顶制导律,并给出了实现遥控击顶制导律的参数最优控制器。

    Sub-line of sight , sub-three point method and overhead attack guidance law of remote control anti-tank missiles are presented . A parameter optimized control algorithm ( controller ) for implementing this overhead attack guidance law is proposed .