
  • 网络home and away;A Long Way from Home
  1. 是的,回我遥远的家,永远的家。

    ' Yes , to my long home & my last home . '

  2. 地震当天,有数十万人就在自己的办公室里过夜,还有数百万人像一群蚂蚁一样,徒步回到遥远的家中。

    On the day of the earthquake , hundreds of thousands slept in their offices , millions more marched the many miles home like a procession of ants .

  3. 穷人从遥远的家中到达工作单位需要支付的费用高得离谱:该市46%家庭的公交支出占可支配收入的比例超过10%。

    Poor people pay disproportionately to get from distant homes to jobs : 46 per cent of households in the city spend more than 10 per cent of disposable income on public transport .

  4. 那里只有对遥远回忆的甜蜜妥协家。

    Where 's there 's nothing but sweet surrender , to the memories from afar .

  5. 另一方面,仍竭尽全力在本国打造强健的商业业务的中资银行,十分明白自身的管理局限,对于在遥远的国度运营一家全球企业的挑战并不憧憬。

    Also , still struggling to build strong commercial operations at home , Chinese banks are keenly aware of their managerial limitations and do not relish the challenge of running a far-flung global business .