
qīnɡ huā
  • Blue and white;fine stripes on an ink-stone;flower design on porcelain
  1. 玛丽女王开启了青花瓷在英格兰的流行风尚。

    Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England

  2. 展柜中陈列着17世纪的青花瓷。

    The cabinets display seventeenth-century blue-and-white porcelain .

  3. 朱迪收集青花瓷。

    Judy collects blue and white china .

  4. 研究了硼(B)、钼(Mo)营养8种处理对青花菜花球产量和活性氧代谢的影响。

    The effects of eight B Mo treatments on curd yield and active oxygen metabolism in broccoli were studied .

  5. 应用PIXE和多元统计方法鉴别成化青花瓷

    The Identification of Chenghua White and Blue Porcelain by Using PIXE and Multivariate Statistical Analysis

  6. 从唐代至清代的青花料可归为三种类型的钻矿:铜钴共生矿,含MnO量低;

    The blue pigments for blue-and-white from T'ang to Qing Dynasties are cobalt ore which can be categorized into three kinds : Cu-Co intergrowth cobalt ore which contains low amount of MnO ;

  7. 为了便于比较,同时测定了一件元代青花瓷片,它的热释光年代为距今620±140a。

    As a comparison , a porcelain sample with underglaze blue in Yuan Dynasty was dated too , and its TL age is 620 ± 140 B.P. .

  8. 详细分析了产生青花瓷滚釉缺陷的因素&CMC的质量、CMC的加入量、青花釉加工工艺控制、涂胶操作规程、青花胶浓度,提出了克服方法。

    The factors in producing defect " crawling " of celadon-quality of CMC , quantity of CMC , technological control of celadon glaze , operating rules of applying glue , density of celadon glue are analyzed in detail , and the methods of eliminating the defect are put forward .

  9. 通过分子模拟技术得到青花椒碱(Schinifoline)不同3D构象,确定了所分离得到的Schinifoline的优势构象,并从空间角度讨论了NMR中NOESY效应;

    The 3D Conformations of Schinifoline which was isolated from Zanthoxylum schinifolium Sied et Zucc were obtained via Molecular Modeling , and the optimum conformation was identified as b conformation . The NOESY effects were discussed on the basis of space factors .

  10. 青花瓷是我国陶瓷中的代表。

    The blue and white porcelain is our country ceramic representative .

  11. 元代景德镇青花瓷的烧制工艺(上)

    Firing Techniques of Yuan Dynasty Jingdezhen Blue-and-White Porcelains ( I )

  12. GB12337球罐标准新结构介绍元代青花罐

    The New Structure Introduction of Steel Spherical Tanks National Standard GB

  13. 浅谈青花瓷器的装饰艺术

    On the Decor Art of the Chinaware with the Blue Flower-patterns

  14. 四倍体青花菜花粉母细胞减数分裂比较

    Comparison of pollen mother cells meiosis in diploid and autotetraploid broccoli

  15. 玉溪、建水窑青花瓷器研究

    A Study of Blue-and-white Porcelain of Yuxi and Jianshui Kilns

  16. 中国民窑青花论

    Discuss the Blue and White Porcelain of Chinese Civilian Kiln

  17. 现代民间青花与现代陶艺

    Contemporary Folk " Blue and White " Art and Contemporary Ceramic Art

  18. 论明代景德镇青花瓷的艺术魅力

    The artistic charm of Ming Dynasty blue-and-white porcelain in Jingdezhen

  19. 鲭;金枪鱼;青花鱼科的海产鱼;鲣;旗鱼;旗鱼。

    Mackerels ; tunas ; albacores ; bonitos ; swordfishes ; sailfishes .

  20. 青花瓷是中国陶瓷历史中非常特别的一个门类。

    The blue and white porcelain has a unique history .

  21. 缺钙抑制青花菜地上部生长,造成青花菜减产。

    Ca deficiency inhibited top growth in broccoli , and reduced output .

  22. 元代青花瓷绘艺术

    The Art of Painting on Blue and White Porcelain of Yuan Dynasty

  23. 元代青花瓷存世量知多少

    How Many Blue-and-White Porcelains of Yuan Dynasty Are Still Extant

  24. 异域艺术对元代青花瓷装饰的影响

    Foreign land art to Yuan Dynasty blue and white porcelain decoration influence

  25. 景德镇民间青花的魅力与变革

    The Charm and the Change of Jingdezhen Fdk Cyanic Art

  26. 论中国画的审美理念对现代青花的影响

    Influence of Chinese painting aesthetic ideas to modern blue and white porcelain

  27. 青花艺术是我们民族文化的瑰宝。

    Blue and white art is our national cultural treasures .

  28. 印章,青花瓷,最中国的元素。

    Seal , blue and white , the Chinese element .

  29. 釉彩青花的研究

    A Study on Coloured Glaze with Blue and White

  30. 青花菜花球黑茎病发生的影响因素初步研究

    Preliminary study on the factors affecting occurrence of BLACK-STEM disease in broccoli head