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  1. 殷墟青铜礼器组合研究

    Research on the Collection of Bronze Ware in Yin Ruins

  2. 青铜礼器与礼乐制度的历史沿革

    Bronze sacrificial vessel and the historical evolution of rites and music system

  3. 浅论青铜礼器与中国青铜时代的政治文明

    Bronze Sacrificial Ware and Bronze Period of Political Civilization

  4. 青铜礼器与巫史文化

    Bronze Sacrificial Ware and Ancient Chinese Culture of Sorcery

  5. 江西新干商代青铜礼器的造型与装饰艺术

    The Modelling of Bronze Sacrificial vessel and Decorative Art in Xin Gan , Jiangxi in Shang Dynasty

  6. 商代三足青铜礼器足式演变的审美趋向

    The Evolution of Aesthetic Trend of the Foot Type of the Three-Foot Bronze Ware in the Shang Dynasty

  7. 青铜礼器早期纹饰是对早于它作为礼器,包括漆器在内的其它器皿纹饰的模仿;

    The patterns of bronzy wares are similar to that of other sacrificial utensils , including the lacquered wares ;

  8. 在这一部分,首先分析了周代祖先神崇拜的特点以及周代青铜礼器与金文中所见的祖先神崇拜。

    First , analysis the characteristics , bronze ritual vessels and inscriptions on bronze of the ancestor worship in Zhou dynasty .

  9. 这种小区域差异与本地区陶器、青铜礼器及其他文化遗存总体特征所反映出的区域差异基本相合。

    The bronze sacrificial ware and other cultural heritage in the region overall characteristics of the area reflects the difference between the basic consistency .

  10. 第节通过三代青铜礼器内涵与社会功能阐述三代青铜礼器所传达的礼仪思想,分析其沟通天地的功能与作用。

    The first section elaborated three generation of bronze sacrificial vessels transmit the etiquette thought that analyzes it to communicate the world the function and the function .

  11. 本文围绕着三星堆出土的兽面、人面、人头像、立人像、鸟形制品、青铜礼器等展开了讨论,并对鸟和人关系、青铜器技术的传来等问题作了探讨。

    This essay presents a discussion about the animal face , human face , human head picture , standing man picture , bird-featured product and bronze ware .

  12. 殷墟青铜礼器的组合关系,不仅有明显的时代标记,而且是晚商礼制的重要反映。

    The collection of the bronze wares in Yin Ruins not only shows the outstanding symbols of times but also shows the important courtesy in late Shang Dynasty .

  13. 禅与诗&略论中国古代的诗性思维与禅宗的关系青铜礼器是以祭祀祖先为核心、具有浓厚宗教性质的巫史文化的代表。

    Imperial Sacrifices and Poem Bronze sacrificial ware , as a token of ancient Chinese culture of sorcery with strong religious nature , is for offering sacrifices to ancestors .

  14. 商周时期造型精美的青铜器,特别是青铜礼器,极为统治者所珍视。

    It 's well-known for its collection of bronzeware , the oldest dating from the Shang dynasty . The Shang Dynasty rulers treasured bronzeware , especially the bronze sacrificial vessels .

  15. 用于祭祀祖先神的青铜礼器体现了周人的祖先神崇拜观念;同时,金文中的祖先神崇拜体现了周代的宗法等级制度。

    The bronze ritual vessels for fete , which embodies the ancestor worship of the Zhou Dynasty . The inscriptions on bronze of ancestor worship also reflect the patriarchal hierarchy of the Zhou dynasty .

  16. 吴越细绳纹类青铜礼器成形技术研究商周时期造型精美的青铜器,特别是青铜礼器,极为统治者所珍视。

    Study on the making technique of the ritual bronzes with cord pattern in Wu and Yue states in Eastern Zhou period ; The Shang Dynasty rulers treasured bronzeware , especially the bronze sacrificial vessels .

  17. 商代中期处于我国历史文化上的大变革时期,其中原地区先进的青铜礼器文化对中华民族以后的宗教、祭祀仪式都有着深远的影响。

    The Middle & Shang Period is a reform time in the history , the culture of the bronze sacrifice vessels of the central plains area influences the religion and the sacrifice ceremony of Chinese nation very deeply .

  18. 一是资料的介绍,把商代中期出土的青铜礼器按照出土单位分为青铜器窖藏、青铜墓葬和其他单位三种形式。

    First is the introduction of materials , divides the bronze sacrifice vessels unearthed in Middle & Shang Period into three types , the hoard of bronze , the graves , and something else through the excavation place .

  19. 通过对中原地区商代中期各生活遗址出土陶器的分析,寻找哪些陶器最终被仿制成青铜礼器,看其被铜器仿制的先后顺序。

    According to the pottery unearthed in sites of the central plains area in the Middle & Shang Period , to find out which ones were copied by the bronze sacrifice vessels , and the order of coping process .

  20. 最后,通过探讨青铜礼器的社会功能,分析了西周中期以后青铜器主体纹饰演变为风鸟纹的内在原因。

    Finally , with an exploration of the social function of bronze ritual and its ornamentation , analysis the deep reasons why the principal patterns on bronze ritual changed from the dragon patterns in Shang to phoenix patterns in western Zhou Dynasty .

  21. 前人的研究也多有涉及,但研究的重心多集中于青铜礼器方面,数量较多的青铜兵器尚未有全面系统的分析。

    Relevant researches can be found in previous studies ; however , the research focus is mainly on the bronze ritual vessels . Comprehensive and systematic analyses of bronze weapons which are greater in number , however , have not been done yet .

  22. 中国奴隶社会等级制度的鼎是人和神相通的器物,即青铜艺术礼器。

    The tripod , a symbol of the rank system in the slave society of ancient China , is a vessel of bronze art connected God with man , which is used for some significant sacrifice in ancient China .

  23. 青铜觚是商周时期最常见的青铜礼器之一,也是商代酒礼器制度的核心。

    Bronze Gu was a type of important wine vessels and the core of the sacrificial system in the Shang and Zhou period .

  24. 青铜卣是商周时期主要的盛酒器之一,在青铜礼器中占有十分重要的地位。

    Bronze you is one of the main wine containers in Shang and Zhou dynasty , and plays an important role in ritual vessels .

  25. 青铜尊出现于商代二里冈上层时期,是主要的盛酒器之一,在商周青铜礼器中占有重要的地位。

    Bronze Zun , which appeared in the up-layer stratum of Er Li Gang of the Shang dynasty , is one of the important wine vessels , and plays a important role in the bronze ritual vessels .

  26. 这是中国古代青铜文化区别于其他国家青铜文化的显著特点,即与当时国家的政治生活息息相关。异常发达的青铜礼器折射出青铜时代的政治文明。

    Bronze Sacrificial Ware and Bronze Period of Political Civilization This is the peculiarity between China 's bronze culture and foreign bronze culture .