
  1. 考虑食物的质感:麦奎兰女士建议,如果孩子只喜欢白面包、花生酱和煎饼这样的食物,那么就给他做质感柔和的蔬菜吃,比如混合胡萝卜泥的土豆泥等。

    Think about texture : For a child who liked only white bread , peanut butter and pancakes , Ms. McQuillan suggested serving vegetables with soft textures , such as a mashed potato pur é e mixed with carrot pur é e.

  2. 罗罗和我的简餐(中饭)。我做了鸡肉,胡萝卜,菠菜和土豆泥。

    Guido and I had a simple nice lunch . I made chicken , carrots , spinach and mashed potato .