
jiāo yán
  • Salt and Pepper;spiced salt
椒盐 [jiāo yán]
  • [spiced salt] 把焙过的花椒和盐轧碎制成的调味品

椒盐[jiāo yán]
  1. 此外,本文还在多种噪声检测算法的基础上,通过对椒盐噪声、高斯噪声等类型噪声的检测,提出了基于极值检测的中值滤波算法。

    Besides , the algorithm based on the extremum detection is presented , depending on many noise-detecting methods such as the detecting of spiced salt noise and gaussian noise .

  2. 实验证明这种算法比典型的空域算法抗填充攻击能力强,而且嵌入水印的容量大,抗剪切攻击和椒盐噪声攻击的性能好。

    The experiment proves that this algorithm has better anti-packing attack capability compare to model air space algorithm , moreover the inserting watermark capacity is big , the anti-cutting attack and the spiced salt noise attack performance is good . 3 .

  3. 基于soft形态学的椒盐噪声滤波器

    A New Salt & Pepper Noise Filter Based on Soft Morphology

  4. 利用改进K填充算法消除椒盐噪声

    Removing Salt-and-Pepper Noise with Improved K-Fill Algorithm

  5. 主动轮廓线模型中椒盐噪声对snake的影响

    Effects on Snake due to Salt & Pepper Noise in Active Contour Model

  6. 滤除CCD噪声中暗流的直流分量以及消除零响应偏移和响应不一致后,可以认为所剩CCD噪声为高斯噪声和椒盐噪声的叠加。

    After filtering the above noises the residual CCD noises can be regarded as Gauss noise and pepper-salt noise .

  7. 实验结果表明,水印对高斯噪声和椒盐噪声、均值滤波、图像剪切、JPEG压缩等水印攻击方法具有较好的鲁棒性。

    The experimental results show that the watermark has a good robustness against Gaussian noise , Salt & Pepper noise , Low pass , crop , JPEG procession etc.

  8. 最后用此方法处理了五组真实的OI数据,映射中的椒盐噪声明显减少,任务相关体元聚类明显。

    Five sets of true OI data are processed . Speckle noise in functional mapping is weakened effectively and the task-related voxels are more clustered .

  9. 与未采用脊波的算法相比,该方法提高了对JPEG压缩、椒盐噪声、高斯低通滤波、旋转、缩小等操作的鲁棒性。

    Compared with some other hashing methods , the ridgelet-based hash has better robustness against JPEG compression , salt & pepper noise , gaussian lowpass filtering , rotation , scale and so on .

  10. 论文中通过matlab进行仿真,验证了改进后的算法比基本算法在经受高斯白噪声攻击、椒盐噪声攻击、JPEG压缩攻击和低通滤波时的性能都有了很大的提高。

    Simulation results by MATLAB software have verified the superior performances of the modified algorithm , especially under attacks of Gaussian white noise , salt and pepper noise , and JPEG compression noise by comparison to basis algorithm .

  11. 该算法能很好的抗JPEG压缩、中值滤波、高斯低通滤波、椒盐噪声等常见图像攻击,特别是对JPEG压缩有很好的鲁棒性。

    The scheme can resist against some common image attacks such as JPEG compression , median filtering , Gaussian lowpass filtering , salt pepper noise , etc. Particularly , the method is well robust against JPEG compression .

  12. 对比实验结果显示,在添加5%椒盐噪声下,该算法几乎能完全排除噪声干扰,而VQ则反而放大了噪声。

    The experimental results show that while VQ amplified 5 % random noises appended in the image , this algorithm can hold back nearly all noises and acquire similar performances as in noise-free context .

  13. 研究了对图像中常见的高斯白噪声和椒盐噪声行之有效的去噪算法,并研究了基于SVD的滤波方法和LUM滤波器,它们在实现图像去噪的同时能更好地保持图像细节。

    Analyze some denoising algorithms to process Gauss Noise and Pepper and Salt Noise that are very familiar in digital images . We also research other methods that can denoise and keep the definition for an image at the same time .

  14. 通过实验仿真,分别利用Donoho阈值和本算法所得到的收缩阈值,对多幅图像的高斯白噪声和椒盐噪声进行了去噪处理,结果表明,本文提出的方法去噪效果更好。

    In the experiment , the dissertation uses the Donoho threshold and the shrinkage threshold derived from the threshold formula calculated in the dissertation to de-noise the white Gaussian noise and pepper-and-salt noise of some images . The experiment proves that this method has a better effect on de-noising .

  15. 去皮椒盐油炸花生货架寿命的研究

    The Study of the Shelf-life for the Spiced Fried Blanched Peanuts

  16. 中值滤波器在滤除椒盐噪声方面效果很好。

    The median filter has good effect in filtering the noise .

  17. 椒盐噪声下灰度直方图的行为、恢复及应用

    The Behavior 、 Restoration and Application of Histograms under Salt-pepper Noise

  18. 给出了一个更为简单高效的两阶段去除图象椒盐噪声的方法。

    A more efficient two-phase salt-and-pepper noise removal method is proposed .

  19. 基于回归型最小二乘支持向量机卷积模板的椒盐噪声开关滤波器

    Salt & Pepper Noise Switching Filter Based On LS-SVR Convolution Mask

  20. 基于图像统计信息的去椒盐噪声算法

    Algorithm for denoising salt and pepper noise based on image statistical information

  21. 提出一种新的椒盐噪声滤除方法。

    A new filter for impulsive noise removal is presented .

  22. 图象椒盐噪声的非线性自适应滤除

    Non-Linear Adaptive Removal of Salt and Pepper Noise from Images

  23. 基于幅度谱的椒盐噪声估计

    Estimation of Salt & Pepper Noise on the Magnitude Spectrum

  24. 一种稳健快速的椒盐噪声抑制算法

    A Reliable and Fast Salt-and-pepper Noise Removing Algorithm with Detail-Preserving

  25. 图像椒盐噪声滤波的自适应开关插值算法

    Adaptive Switching Interpolation Algorithm for Filtering Salt and Pepper Noises in Image

  26. 噪声概率快速估计的自适应椒盐噪声消除算法

    Adaptive removal of salt-pepper noises through fast noise ratio estimation

  27. 还有一个超怪异的椒盐脆饼卷。

    And there 's one of those crazy-ass pretzel rolls .

  28. 你有比这些椒盐卷饼更解饿的食物吗?

    Do you have anything more substantial than these pretzels ?

  29. 放下椒盐饼祈求好运吧

    Put the pretzel down and cross your fingers .

  30. 选择:辣椒,黑椒,清蒸,椒盐或姜葱。

    Choice : Chili , Black Pepper , Steamed , Pepper and Salt .