
  1. 民办学校产权模式新视角&椒江“教育股份制”实践价值的再认识

    A New Perspective of the Property Model of Non-state-sponsored Schools

  2. 介绍椒江体育馆的建声、电声和噪声控制情况,总结了体育馆工程声学系统方面的一些经验教训。

    The building acoustics , electrical sound and noise control for Jiaojiang Sport Venue were presented in this paper .

  3. 在此基础上获得椒江的数字高程模型,并将它们统一在相同的坐标体系中,为后面的几何校正创造了基础。

    DRG and DEM are put in the same coordination system ; this provides the basis for the later geometry rectification .

  4. 根据椒江河口的水文测验资料,分析了整治工程对河口动力沉积作用的影响。

    Influences of the regulation work on dynamic sedimentation in Jiaojiang Estuary , Zhejiang province , are analyzed based on measured hydro data .

  5. 当年的章安港水位很深,双桅的大船在丰水期可以沿椒江而上,直达上游一个叫皤滩的码头。

    The then Zhang'an port was deep enough to allow ketch-rigged big ships sailing upward along Jiaojiang River to a dock named Pantan on the upper reach .

  6. 椒江南岸规划区块应是椒江滨江区域的中心,是市级景观节点。

    The planned block on the south bank of jiaojiang River should be the center of the water-front area of jiaojiang region and is a city-level land-scape point .

  7. 本文利用平衡剖面技术恢复计算了丽水-椒江凹陷不同构造部位各裂陷伸展期的盆地伸展量、伸展系数和伸展率。

    The amount of extension , the extensional coefficient and the extensional ratio of the basin at the different areas during the varied faulting time of extension have been obtained by means of the technique of balanced geological cross sections in this paper .

  8. 我:“我今天去椒江看一个多年老朋友,每年回来我都要去看他的,明天来临海,想看看你,方便吗?”

    Me : " I 'm going to Jiaojiang to see an old friend today , every year when I go back I visit him , tomorrow I 'm coming to Linhai , I would like to see you if that 's ok ?"