
  1. 三江源国家公园管理局局长李晓南表示,他们计划在未来两年内增加公园的绿化覆盖率和野生动物种类。

    The bureau plans to increase the park 's green coverage and wildlife species in the next two years , said Li Xiaonan , director of the administration bureau .

  2. 三江源国家公园管理局局长李晓南表示,该省计划于2017年投入10亿元(约1亿4480万美元)用于基础设施建设。

    The province plans to allocate 1 billion yuan ( $ 144.8 million ) in 2017 for infrastructure construction , said Li Xiaonan , head of the park 's administration bureau .

  3. 三江源国家公园占地123100平方公里,是长江、黄河、澜沧江的发源地,其水域流经20多个省市地区,是我国重要的水源涵养区。

    Sanjiangyuan National Park , covering 123100 square kilometers in Qinghai , is home to the headwaters of the Yangtze , Yellow and Lancang ( Mekong ) rivers , which run through more than 20 provincial regions in China , making the region critical for water resources in the country .