
  • 网络Pretzel
  1. 吉姆:是的,我还要一份烤干酪辣味玉米片和椒盐卷饼。

    Jim : Yes , I 'll also take an order of nachos and a pretzel .

  2. 把右侧松开的一端,从后方绕过椒盐卷饼的右侧叶。

    Weave the loose end on the right around and behind the right lobe of the pretzel .

  3. 你有比这些椒盐卷饼更解饿的食物吗?

    Do you have anything more substantial than these pretzels ?

  4. 想来点酥软的椒盐卷饼吗?

    Want to go get a soft pretzel ?

  5. 这一个上面还有椒盐卷饼呢

    Oh , look , and this one even has a pretzel in it .

  6. 你像是需要一杯血腥玛丽和椒盐卷饼,而不是信息技术部

    Sounds like you need a bloody Mary and a pretzel , not the I.T. Department .

  7. 费城:软椒盐卷饼面团饼已经存在很久了,迪亚曼蒂说。

    Philadelphia : Soft pretzels The doughy pretzel has come a long way , Diamanti says .

  8. 而饼干、曲奇、椒盐卷饼则必须防止吸潮,以免质构软化。

    Crackers , cookies , and pretzels must be protected against moisture pickup that would soften texture .

  9. 椒盐卷饼披萨热狗橡胶列车出租车咖啡毛衣女孩穿毛衣的女孩

    Pretzel . Pizza . Hot dog . Rubber . Train . Cab . Coffee . Sweater Girl ? Sweater girl !

  10. 一听到瑜伽这个词,你是否就会联想到一个人将自己的腿扭成椒盐卷饼那样呢?

    When you hear the word yoga , do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel ?

  11. 苏琪:抱歉,现在没有椒盐卷饼,但有棉花糖,刨冰及披萨。

    Suki : Sorry , we 're out of pretzels right now , but we have cotton candy , snow cones , and pizza .

  12. 一听到“瑜伽”这个词,你是否就会联想到一个人将自己的腿扭成椒盐卷饼那样呢?

    When you hear the word " yoga , " do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel ?

  13. 我算过,买一桶椒盐卷饼,再把它们分袋装要比单独一袋袋买便宜3倍。

    I 've priced it out and buying a tub of pretzels and parceling them into snack bags is literally 3 times cheaper than buying the individual bags .

  14. 布鲁克林有点像冰淇淋狂热爱好者的圣地。这里的伙计很注意卫生,他们甚至在制作前给自己的牛奶消毒,然后再做成粉丝们狂爱的咸味焦糖脆和巧克力坚果椒盐卷饼。

    Brooklyn is somewhat of a mecca for ice-cream fanatics.These guys even pasteurize their own milk before turning it into cult favorites like salted-caramel crack and chocolate-pretzel nutter .

  15. 提供一些好主意:就是混合一些干果和坚果或葵花籽,全麦椒盐卷饼和低脂奶酪,或许多小胡萝卜和酸奶,然后用面包蘸来吃。

    Some ideas : your own " trail " mix of dried fruit and nuts or sunflower seeds , whole-grain pretzels and low-fat cheese , or a bagful of baby carrots and yogurt dip .