
  • Flushing;Flushing,Queens;Flushing Meadows
  1. 他们计划在皇后区法拉盛草地公园(FlushingMeadowsQueens)建造全新球场。

    They plan to build a new stadium for the team in Flushing Meadows in Queens .

  2. 在现场上百名抗议者中,来自韩裔主导的倡导组织社区行动民权中心(MinKwonCenterforCommunityAction)的这几位只是一小部分。该组织也服务于皇后区法拉盛的华人群体。

    The small band from the MinKwon Center for Community Action , a predominately Korean advocacy group that also serves the Chinese community in Flushing , Queens , was but a fraction of the 100 protesters .

  3. 十多年前,小辣椒川菜馆(LittlePepper)诞生在皇后区法拉盛闹市区竞争激烈的华裔聚居地。

    Little Pepper began life a dozen years ago in the competitive Chinese nucleus of downtown Flushing , Queens .

  4. 小辣椒川菜馆的大厨们做菜可能格外精准,可能是因为CollegePoint的地价比法拉盛低,餐厅老板们能在后堂配置宽敞整齐的厨房。

    It 's possible that the chefs at Little Pepper cook with extra precision because real estate is cheaper in College Point than in Flushing , allowing the owners to spring for the roomy , shipshape kitchen in the back .

  5. 78岁的退休医生葛曼斐(ManfaiNgai)习惯在法拉盛缅因街的店铺买几盎司干鱼翅,他不喜欢仿鱼翅之类的替代品。在有些地方,这种替代品可以卖到35美元一袋。

    Manfai Ngai , 78 , a retired doctor who would routinely pick up a few ounces of dried shark fin cartilage from one of several shops along Main Street in Flushing , has rejected alternatives like imitation shark fin , which in some locations can be bought for $ 35 a pack .

  6. 先生,请问这是去法拉盛缅街地铁吗?

    Excuse me , sir ! Is this train going to main street , flushing ?

  7. 这是典型的法拉盛狗,虽然它可以是有用的,也作为一个特殊训练。

    It is typically a flushing dog , although it can be useful also as a retriever .

  8. 这个网球季的美网大满贯决赛正在法拉盛草地公园如火如荼地进行。

    The final grand slam of the tennis season as the US Open is underway at Flushing Meadows .

  9. 象在中国,在中国城的变化,特别是在法拉盛,是非常迅速地。

    Like in China , the changes in the China Town , especially in Flushing , are very rapidly .

  10. 法拉盛草原公园(译者注:位于纽约的美网公开赛举办地)将会见证纳达尔最出色的表现,他将成为这个赛场上倍受瞩目的焦点。

    All eyes will be on Nadal at Flushing Meadows , a venue that has yet to see the best of him .

  11. 我总能在餐厅门口附近找到车位,这样的好事在法拉盛闹市区并不总能让你赶上。

    I 've always found a parking space within sight of the front door , which doesn 't often happen in downtown Flushing .

  12. 该次大满贯决赛抽签活动将于周四在法拉盛草地公园进行,而首轮赛事将在下周一举行。

    The draw for the Slam at Flushing Meadows will be held on Thursday ahead of the start of round one play on Monday .

  13. 这是威廉王子传播的,种植在他的法拉盛,皇后区的苗圃里,并把它们传播到了英国,法国和瑞典。

    It was propagated by William Prince , at his nursery in Flushing , Queens , and made its way to England , France and Sweden .

  14. 至少,当我开车经过法拉盛出口,还得再开15分钟才能到达小辣椒川菜馆时,心里就是这么想的。

    This at least is what I tell myself as I 'm driving past the exit for Flushing and Little Pepper is still another 15 minutes away .

  15. 这是海宁职业生涯第二次遭遇扬科维奇,但是这个塞尔维亚人在过去的几周中在法拉盛表现得很好。

    It was JH2 's second career match against Jankovic , but the Serbian was on a bit of a career roll these past weeks at Flushing Meadows .

  16. 这个节日位于法拉盛,著名的亚洲美食街区,所以这里会有许多传统美食,比如茶叶、饺子和刨冰。

    Located in Flushing , which is a neighborhood known for its Asian cuisine , the festival has served many a traditional fare like bubble tea , dumplings and shaved ice .

  17. 法拉盛宗教自由陈情书1657年的今天-法拉盛陈情书被签署,它被认为是美国宗教自由人权法案的先驱。

    Flushing Remonstrance 1657 - The Flushing Remonstrance is signed . It is considered a precursor to the United States Constitution 's provision on freedom of religion in the Bill of Rights .

  18. 32岁的夏雨燕(音译)说,皇后区法拉盛的“最好的西部”酒店让她的父亲,74岁的夏新华(音译)“先适应了美国”。

    Xia Yuyan , 32 , and her father , Xia Xinhua , 74 , said a Best Western hotel in Flushing , Queens , had let her father " acclimate to the United States first . "

  19. 相关部门还计划明年拓宽皇后区法拉盛的六条人行道(该市的人行道宽度不一,但必须达到至少5英尺宽)。

    There are also plans to widen a half-dozen sidewalks in Flushing , Queens , in the next year ( the city 's sidewalks vary in width , but must be at least five feet wide ) .