
  • 网络bagel;Bagle
  1. 但首先我们需要一支笔和一个贝果饼。

    But first , we 're gonna need a pen and a bagel .

  2. 我要把你的贝果烤焦。

    I 'm gonna burn your bagel .

  3. 贝果饼夹熏鱼,狗饼干。

    Beagles and lox , dog briskets .

  4. 我买了很好吃的贝果。

    I got the good bagels .

  5. 保罗:这里的贝果是全世界最好的。我听说是因为这城市的水质,但我不完全确定。

    Paul : Bagels here are the best in the world . I 've heard it 's because of the city water , but I don 't really know .

  6. 无论是由白面还是全麦制成,一个没有添加任何添料的纽约风格贝果的热量就可达到约500卡路里,而现在一个松饼所含的热量往往多达800卡路里。

    Whether made from white flour or whole wheat , one unadorned New York-style bagel supplies about 500 calories , and a 21st century muffin often contains as many as 800 calories .