
  • 网络Becca;Beka;BECA;Rebecca
  1. 芮贝卡,你知道有几个射手吗?

    Do you krnow how marny shooters there are , rebecca ?

  2. 蕾贝卡一定认为他是被迫写下的。

    Rebecca must be thinking he was forced to write it .

  3. 受到纽约市HighLine空中花园的启发,迈克尔&12539;格斯特纳(MichaelGerstner)在其位于翠贝卡街区的顶层公寓的屋顶打造了一处茂密的草坪景观。

    Michael Gerstner created a dense meadow-scape on the roof of his Tribeca penthouse , inspired by New York City 's High Line elevated park .

  4. 受到纽约市HighLine空中花园的启发,迈克尔・格斯特纳(MichaelGerstner)在其位于翠贝卡街区的顶层公寓的屋顶打造了一处茂密的草坪景观。

    Michael Gerstner created a dense meadow-scape on the roof of his Tribeca penthouse , inspired by New York City 's High Line elevated park . '

  5. 这个方法,大概不必用于他在翠贝卡(TriBeCa)的BDDW商店里看上的那张Slab大床。

    Presumably this wouldn 't be necessary with the massive Slab , which he admired at BDDW , in TriBeCa .

  6. 在位于翠贝卡区(TriBeCa)的SchoolhouseElectricSupplyCo.,她对橱窗里的离子C系列(IonC-Series)灯具喜爱有加:裸灯泡和暴露在外的灯丝,拧在色彩鲜艳、五颜六色的基座上。

    At the Schoolhouse Electric Supply Co. showroom in TriBeCa , she admired the Ion C-Series lamps in the window : bare bulbs with exposed filaments on brightly colored bases .

  7. 在位于翠贝卡区(TriBeCa)的SchoolhouseElectric&SupplyCo.,她对橱窗里的离子C系列(IonC-Series)灯具喜爱有加:裸灯泡和暴露在外的灯丝,拧在色彩鲜艳、五颜六色的基座上。

    At the Schoolhouse Electric & Supply Co. showroom in TriBeCa , she admired the Ion C-Series lamps in the window : bare bulbs with exposed filaments on brightly colored bases .

  8. 《白日焰火》接下来还将参赛全球其他重大电影节,其中包括本周末的翠贝卡电影节(TribecaFilmFestival)、本月晚些时候的意大利远东电影节(FarEastFilmFestival)以及6月份的悉尼电影节(SydneyFilmFestival)。

    It is now hitting major festivals around the world , including the Tribeca Film Festival this weekend , the Far East Film Festival in Italy later this month , and the Sydney Film Festival in June .

  9. 位于伦敦金融城、为改换职业者提供帮助的EscapeSchool的贝卡.沃纳(BeccaWarner)表示,促使人们做出这一选择的常见契机包括有了孩子、父母一方去世和达到某个年龄阶段。

    Becca Warner of the Escape School based in the City of London , which runs programmes for career changers , says common catalysts include having children , losing a parent and reaching an age milestone .

  10. 2010年,人们在翠贝卡Tribeca的一个停车场抓到一只胆大的,这里可是曼哈顿附近一个热闹的街区啊。

    In 2010 a particularly intrepid specimen was caught in a parking lot in Tribeca , a trendy neighbourhood in Manhattan .

  11. 周五,当她走向翠贝卡(TriBeCa)地铁站时,希望自己旅途顺利。

    As she walked toward the subway station in TriBeCa on Friday , she hoped for a fair , fresh wind .

  12. Pearl&Ash狂欢的第二天,包括Daniel餐厅的拉杰・维迪雅(RajVaidya)和HearthRestaurant餐厅的保罗・格列科(PaulGrieco)在内的纽约顶级侍酒师在该组织在翠贝卡区的品酒会上觥筹交错。

    The day after the Pearl & Ash festivities , some of the city 's top somms , including Raj Vaidya of Daniel and Paul Grieco of Hearth Restaurant , were rubbing elbows at the group 's tasting in TriBeCa .

  13. 英厄尔斯的替代方案是一堆可以反射翠贝卡街区(Tribeca,纽约市曼哈顿下城的一个街区——译者注)的立方体,同时为纪念遗址留下平滑的一面。

    Mr Ingels " replacement is a stack of cubes mirroring Tribeca 's streets while offering a smooth face to the memorial site .

  14. 这位曾担任律师的心理治疗师在纽约翠贝卡区(Tribeca)工作,他开拓了一个专门针对法律人士的利基市场;

    Based in Tribeca , New York , the former lawyer is a psychotherapist who has carved out a niche seeing clients from the legal profession ;

  15. 他和父亲、两个姐姐(他妈妈在他3岁时去世了)在翠贝卡区(TriBeCa)长大。他父亲从事运动服装制作和进口生意。

    Mr. Akiva grew up in TriBeCa with his father , who manufactured and imported sportswear , and two sisters ( his mother died when he was 3 ) .

  16. Pixmania的市场总监甘地-胡贝卡说:“人们通过智能手机能够接触到几百万种应用程序,能通过社交媒体保持联系,拍摄照片和视频,还有发送短信接打电话,这些让智能手机显得尤为重要。”

    Ghadi Hobeika , marketing director of Pixmania , said : ' The ability to access literally millions of apps , keep in contact via social networks and take photos and video as well as text and call has made smartphones invaluable for many people .

  17. 周六,贝卡拉维正式提议解散穆斯林兄弟会。

    On Saturday , Bebalwi officially proposed dissolution of the Brotherhood .

  18. 霍布斯与贝卡里亚刑罚思想比较研究

    The Comparative Study of the Penalty Theory between Hobbs and Beccaria

  19. 旁边,贝卡和奥尼恩斯在一张毯子下较劲。

    Nearby , B é ka and Onions wrestled beneath a blanket .

  20. 西恩:你在说什么?谁是蕾贝卡?

    Sean : What are you talking about ? Who is Rebecca ?

  21. 芮贝卡?你还好吗?你受伤了吗?

    Dispatcher : rebecca ? Are you okay ? Are you irnjured ?

  22. 贝卡谷地的电子战:一种新看法

    Ew in the Bekaa Valley : A New Look

  23. 地贝卡星治疗呼吸道感染40例

    Respiratory tract infections treated with dibekacin in 40 patients

  24. 继续和我说话,好吗,芮贝卡?

    Just stay ORN the lirne with me , all right , rebecca ?

  25. 贝卡:你会不会因为摩西建造了这座城市,而从此丢掉了王位?

    Baka : Will you lose a throne because Moses builds a city ?

  26. 你没有失去对他的控制吧?贝卡西?

    You 're not losing your hold on him , are you , rebecca ?

  27. 翠贝卡一直关注的问题是相关的世界。

    Tribeca has always been focused on issues that are relevant to the world .

  28. 蕾贝卡承诺要介绍阿班给我认识。

    Rebecca promised to introduce Ben to me .

  29. 贝卡罗来纳州和佛吉尼亚州州长宣布这两个州进入紧急戒备状态。

    The governors have declared a state of emergency in North Carolina and Virginia .

  30. 贝卡是个长着青蛙脸的男孩,比其他人高出一个头。

    B é ka was a frog-faced boy a head taller than the others .