
  • 网络mary
  1. 他猛然省悟到马莉是再也不会着急了。

    He realized suddenly that Mary would not be worrying .

  2. 马莉从邮递员手中一接过信,就把它撕开了。

    As soon as the postman passed her the letter , Mary tore yt open .

  3. 马莉想帮助考拉胜利改善它的行动能力。

    Marley wanted to help Triumph with his mobility .

  4. 马莉就是这样一个例子。

    Marie is a case in point .

  5. 一些胆大的人甚至还到森林里血腥马莉的住处去找过,看是不是这个女巫把孩子们带走了,但血腥马莉表示对孩子们失踪一事一无所知。

    A few brave souls even went to Bloody Mary 's home in the woods to see if the witch had taken the girls , but she denied any knowledge of the disappearances .

  6. 马莉认为,那些实行败诉赔付制度的国家需要有法律保险,比如,在英格兰,如果指控提出,当事人可在立案之前,花100-200英镑(150-300美元)来购买法律保险。

    She argues that loser-pays countries need legal insurance , which can be bought ( for example ) in England for just £ 100-200 ( $ 150-300 ) after an alleged loss , but before a suit is filed .

  7. 在信的结尾,你说我的工人背心装(其实是农夫背心装)酷似影星马莉、摩罗的摺叠短衫,我的指甲有如格雷特、盖伯的太阳眼镜。

    At the end of your letter , you say that my worker 's vest ( which isn 't true , I wear a peasant 's vest ) is well worth Marilyn Monroe 's pleated blouse , and my nails , the sunglasses of Greta Garbo .