
  1. 从马王堆一号汉墓出土香料与香具探析汉代用香习俗

    Interpreting the Customs of Using Spice in the Han Dynasty from the Spice and Its Containers Unearthed from Tomb No.1 of the Han Dynasty at Mawangdui

  2. 云纹漆钟,西汉(高58厘米),湖南长沙马王堆一号汉墓出土,湖南省博物馆藏。

    Lacquer Pot with Cloud Patterns , Western Han Dynasty , 58 cm in height , unearthed at the No.1 Han Tomb at Mawangdui , Changsha , Hunan , in the Hunan Provincial Museum .

  3. 劫持事件在汉代具有一定普遍性,以至汉律对持质有明文规定。从马王堆一号汉墓出土香料与香具探析汉代用香习俗

    Hijack was so prevalent in the Han Dynasty that it was proclaimed in writing by law . Interpreting the Customs of Using Spice in the Han Dynasty from the Spice and Its Containers Unearthed from Tomb No.1 of the Han Dynasty at Mawangdui

  4. 马王堆女尸出土于长沙马王堆一号汉墓,距今2100多年。

    The female corpse with a history of2100 years was found in Tomb No.1 of Mawangdui Han Tombs .