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  1. 他从普渡大学获得了计算机科学博士学位,在加入IBM之前,他在威奇托州立大学从事软件工程教学。

    He received his PhD in Computer Sciences from Purdue University and taught Software Engineering at Wichita State University before joining IBM .

  2. 他21岁从马来西亚来到这里,在威奇托州立大学(WichitaStateUniversity)攻读工程学硕士学位。

    He moved here from Malaysia at age 21 to earn a master 's degree in engineering from Wichita State University .

  3. 8号种子肯塔基大学野猫队以78比76击败了1号种子威奇托州立大学震撼者队。

    The eighth-seeded Kentucky Wildcats defeated the Shockers , the No.1 seed , 78-76 .

  4. 威奇托州立大学以35场连胜的战绩开始了新赛季,并创造了美国大学生体育协会的连胜记录,而现在这支球队走到了终点。

    After setting an NCAA record for starting a season with 35 straight wins , Wichita State is at the end of the road .

  5. 年度航空质量评定报告发现,航空业目前处于非常好的位置,威奇托州立大学的迪恩·黑德利是研究报告的其中一个作者。

    The annual Airline Quality Rating 's report finds that the airline industry appears to be in a pretty good place right now , according to one of the study 's authors Dean Headley of Wichita State University .