
  • 网络NORTON;Symantec;Norton AntiVirus;David Norton;David P.Norton
  1. 他花钱雇我兄弟去杀了诺顿并给了他封口费。

    He paid my brother to kill Norton and keep his mouth shut .

  2. 诺顿桑德身上覆盖着冰,这些冰有时会毫无征兆地破裂。

    Norton Sound was covered with ice , which could sometimes break up without warning .

  3. 1月31日,一名叫塞帕拉的狗拉雪橇驾驶者必须要穿过一个名为诺顿湾的冰冻水体。

    On January 31 , a musher named Seppala had to cross a frozen body of water called Norton Sound .

  4. 平衡计分卡是由哈佛商学院教授罗伯特·S·卡普兰和复兴全球战略集团总裁大卫·P·诺顿于1992年提出的。

    BSC was invented in 1992 by Prof. Robert · S · Kaplan of Harvard Business School and Mr. David Norton , CEO of Renaissance Solutions .

  5. 要让我决定的话,我会不假思索把最佳男配角给诺顿,而且我注意到,国家评论协会(NationalBoardofReview)在周二的确这么做了。

    I 'd give Norton Best Supporting Actor in a flash , and I noticed that the National Board of Review did precisely that on Tuesday .

  6. 1992年平衡计分卡的发明者罗伯特·R·卡普兰和戴维·P·诺顿,首次在《哈佛商业评论》上发表了关于平衡计分卡的文章。

    In 1992 the inventor of the Balanced Scorecard , Drs. Robert Kaplan and David Norton , debuted their methodology in the Harvard Business Review .

  7. 我觉得诺顿令人惊叹,艾玛·斯通(EmmaStone)让人大开眼界,瓦茨也总是那么出色。

    I thought Norton was astonishing and I thought Emma Stone was a revelation and Watts is always fantastic .

  8. “我们目前至少已有一款全定制天鹅绒夹克正在推介,”诺顿父子(Norton&Sons)的帕特里克·格兰特(PatrickGrant)说。

    " We have at least one bespoke velvet jacket going through at the moment ," says Patrick Grant of Norton and Sons .

  9. 伍德在俄克拉荷马基督教会大学的同班同学特德•诺顿(TedNorton)回忆道,伍德也有艺术的一面,喜欢涂涂画画。

    He has an artistic side , though , loving to paint and draw , recalls Ted Norton , a classmate at Oklahoma Christian University .

  10. Merritt说,诺顿调查了24个国家的2300多名老师。

    Ms. Merritt says Norton surveyed more than two thousand three hundred teachers in twenty-four countries .

  11. 为了正确辩识系统侧和用户侧在公共耦合节点(PCC)处所贡献的谐波分量,正确地认识公共耦合接点处的谐波,提出了一种新的谐波成份分析方法和改进的等效诺顿模型。

    To identify the harmonic contribution of utility and customer on PCC correctly , this paper proposes a new decomposition way of harmonic component and an advanced Norton model .

  12. 陆赛静(SandraTsingLoh)著,诺顿出版社,25.95美元。罗的回忆录聪敏地描述了她在“变化”期间充满高低起伏的经历。

    By Sandra Tsing Loh . ( Norton , $ 25.95 . ) Loh 's memoir wittily describes her roller-coaster ride through " the change . "

  13. 诺顿罗氏驻香港合伙人理查德克罗斯比(richardcrosby)表示:“调查结果表明,中国企业越来越愿意考虑亚洲以外的交易。”

    Richard Crosby , a Hong Kong-based partner of Norton Rose , said : " the findings show an increasing willingness among Chinese companies to consider deals outside Asia . "

  14. 专注男子高级纯手工定制的萨佛街(SavileRow)也放下了架子,向休闲风格转型。“我们目前至少已有一款全定制天鹅绒夹克正在推介,”诺顿父子(Norton&Sons)的帕特里克·格兰特(PatrickGrant)说。

    Savile Row is also softening to the smoking look . " We have at least one bespoke velvet jacket going through at the moment , " says Patrick Grant of Norton and Sons .

  15. 不过,逾90%的中国受访者表示,他们正计划在未来12个月内进行并购交易。此次最新调查由经济学人信息部门(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)与诺顿罗氏律师事务所(NortonRose)联手进行的。

    However , more than 90 per cent of Chinese respondents to the new survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit and Norton Rose , the law firm , said they were looking to conduct a merger or acquisition over the next 12 months .

  16. 吉尔伯特住在英国一家养老机构,为了进行此次拍摄,她戴上了专门定制的瓦伦蒂诺眼镜、维多利亚•贝克汉姆的上衣、TheRow的裤子、德赖斯•范诺顿外套、思琳的鞋和浪凡的项链。

    Gilbert lives in an assisted-living facility in England , and for her shoot she wore bespoke Valentino glasses , a blouse by Victoria Beckham and The Row pants over a Dris Van Noten coat , with shoes by Celine and a necklace by Lanvin .

  17. MarianMerritt是诺顿计算机安全公司网络安全律师,她说新罕布什尔大学的研究者在最新的研究中考虑到了这种混淆。

    Marian Merritt is the Internet safety advocate for the computer security company Norton . She says the New Hampshire researchers considered this confusion in the latest research .

  18. 但是,用户使用更加流行的WindowsXP和Windows7时,实际上还是需要从迈克菲(McAfee)或诺顿(Norton)购买和安装第三方防病毒软件,除非你想被黑客生吞活剥。

    But with Windows XP and Windows 7 , far more popular versions of the software , it was practically a requirement to buy and install third-party antivirus software from McAfee or Norton , unless you wanted to be eaten alive by hackers .

  19. 扮演残忍成性的典狱长诺顿(Norton)的冈顿说,彩排时,我们会闹着玩儿,兴奋地互相对视,很高兴我们都参演了这部电影。

    During rehearsal , ' We were joking around and looking at each other in joyful wonder that we all ended up in this movie , ' said Mr. Gunton , who played the sadistic Warden Norton .

  20. 诺顿罗氏律师事务所的资深顾问RachelChan表示,除这次配股之外,诺顿罗氏也为人和商业的银行融资和要约收购提供建议,这些被整合成一项前所未有的三层融资安排。

    As well as the rights issue , Norton Rose Fulbright advised Renhe on bank financing and tender offers that were combined into a triple-layered financing arrangement , which had not been done before , says Rachel Chan , senior counsel at the law firm .

  21. 诺顿罗氏律师事务所(NortonRoseFulbright)驻法兰克福的诉讼合伙人丹尼尔•马斯科莱克(DanielMarschollek)表示,以前的情况是,如果货物从比方说中国发出,正在运往美国的途中,欧盟的海关官员没有权利将其没收。

    Previously , if the goods were shipped from China , en route to the US , for example , customs officers did not have the right to seize them , says Daniel Marschollek , a disputes partner at Norton Rose Fulbright in Frankfurt .

  22. NIS2009毫无疑问是诺顿至今为止最小巧,最安静,低调的产品,但是保护仍旧是顶级水准。

    NIS2009 is definitely the slimmest , most unobtrusive Norton ever , yet its protection is top-notch where it counts .

  23. 随着警报声,诺顿和哈雷大步走来。

    Norton and Hadley stride across the grounds , ALARM BLARING .

  24. 塞缪尔杰克逊,小罗伯特唐尼。那个是爱华德诺顿吗?

    Samuel Jackson , Robert Downey Jr. Was that Edward Norton ?

  25. 诺顿走过来视察,耐德紧跟着。

    Norton strolls into view with ned Grimes at his heels .

  26. 镜头急速的跟着大步走来的诺顿和哈雷。

    FAST DOLLY with Norton striding up the hallway with Hadley .

  27. 诺顿论述了含铀主岩的沉积条件。

    Norton has reviewed conditions of deposition of the uranium host rocks .

  28. 我又开始想方设法让诺顿太太把我开掉了。

    So now I 'm trying to think of ways to get Mrs.

  29. 你叫卡尔。诺顿把瑞奇。鲍比赶出来。

    You tell cal Naughton to take Ricky Bobby out .

  30. 哈德利返回他的位置,温和的站在诺顿身旁。

    Hadley takes his place at norton 's side again .