
  • 网络Battle of Normandy;Battles In Normandy;Invasion of Normandy;Normandy campaign;Battle Zone Normandy
  1. 1944年的今天,诺曼底战役中,英军和加拿大军队占领了法国的卡昂。

    World War II : Battle of Normandy - British and Canadian forces capture Caen , France .

  2. 面对当前形势,我们必须研究诺曼底战役。

    Facing the current situatio , we must study the invasion of normandy .

  3. 你也没参与诺曼底战役。

    You didn 't fight in Normandy neither .

  4. 如诺曼底战役纪念日的庆祝活动所示,这是一场尚未逝去的战争。

    As the D-Day anniversary celebrations indicate , this is one war that has not gone away .

  5. 下周,查尔斯将去法国参加诺曼底战役纪念日的庆祝活动,届时,他将与普京见面。

    The prince is due to meet the Russian president for D-Day anniversary celebrations in France next month .

  6. 诺曼底战役前夕,欧洲盟军最高统帅部就战略空军在霸王行动中的任务和作用展开争论,制定并完善了轰炸战略决策。

    The pre-D-Day , " Bombing Strategy " decision was made and perfected in the Supreme Command by way of argument about task and affect of the strategic air force in " Overlord " .

  7. 这一仗标志着诺曼底战役的结束,盟军解放法国,法兰西共和国恢复和维希政府灭亡。

    This battle marked the end of Operation Overlord , the liberation of France by the Allies , the restoration of the French Republic and the exile of the Vichy government to Sigmaringen in Germany .

  8. 哈利和梅维斯16岁的时候在一个俱乐部里相遇,并迅速坠入爱河。1943年17岁的哈利入伍参加二战,成为皇家海军突击队中的一员,并参与了著名的诺曼底登陆战役。

    The couple met at a social club aged 16 and began courting before Harry signed up to fight in the Second World War on his 17th birthday in 1943 . He became a Royal Marine Commando and took part in the D-Day Normandy landings .

  9. 论二战中缅印战区的东方诺曼底在缅甸战役中,印军首当其冲。

    The " Oriental Normandy " in the China-Burma-India Battlefield during World War II ; Indian troops bore the brunt of the Burma campaigns .