
  • 网络CHERBOURG;Cherbourg-Octeville;Chateau d'Usse
  1. 瑟堡有一个由绵延海堤环绕的美轮美奂的港口。

    Cherbourg had a splendid harbour enclosed by a long sea wall .

  2. 他刚刚在瑟堡开业不久。

    He has just set up shop in Cherbourg .

  3. 在瑟堡,有个妇人上船,名叫玛格丽·布朗。

    At Cherbourg , a woman came a board named Margaret Brown .

  4. 在进行中,他们又在瑟堡半岛诱捕了10万名德军。

    As they advanced , they trapped 100,000 of the enemy in the Cherbourg Peninsula .

  5. 有一半旅客在瑟堡港上岸了。

    Half the passengers disembarked at cherbourg .

  6. 其最后一幕是夺取瑟堡,一个科唐坦半岛上有着悠久历史的商业海港。

    Its last scene was Allied occupation of Cherbourg , an ancient commercial harbor in Cotentin Peninsular .

  7. 它的第一站是法国瑟堡,然后经过昆士城、爱尔兰,第二天在海航前去搭载额外的乘客。

    It stopped first in Cherbourg , France , and then Queenstown , Ireland , the next day to pick up additional passengers before heading out into the open sea .

  8. 查理十世在去瑟堡的途中,叫人把一张圆桌改成方的,他对这种危难中的仪式比那崩溃中的君权更关心。

    Charles X.during the voyage from Cherbourg , causing a round table to be cut over into a square table , appeared to be more anxious about imperilled etiquette than about the crumbling monarchy .

  9. “巴尔莫勒尔”号将完全仿照泰坦尼克号,途经法国瑟堡和爱尔兰科夫,之后到达泰坦尼克号的沉没地点。

    The Balmoral will follow in the wake of the Titanic , sailing near Cherbourg in France and then calling at Cobh in Ireland before arriving at the spot where the Titanic went down .