
shànɡ duàn tóu tái
  • mount the scaffold
  1. 穆尔走上断头台,和刽子手说话。

    Moore ascended the scaffold and addressed the executioner .

  2. 玛丽·安托瓦内特被送上断头台处决后,她的嘴唇动了动,想开口说话。

    After Marie Antoinette was guillotined , her lips moved in an attempt to speak .

  3. 1792年的今天,拦路抢匪尼古拉斯·J·帕利特尔成为首位被送上断头台的人。

    1792-Highwayman Nicolas J.Pelletier becomes the first person executed by guillotine .

  4. 今天,大多数人认为,爱德蒙•柏克(EdmundBurke)的《法国革命论》只不过是指责法国大革命已将一位国王和一位王后送上断头台并掀起“恐怖时期”的序幕。

    Today , most people assume that when Edmund Burke wrote his Reflections on the Revolution in France he was denouncing a revolution that had already executed a King and Queen , and launched the Terror .

  5. 上断头台的人也可以吸最后一枝烟吧。

    Even the condemned man is entitled to a last cigarette .

  6. 他们马上被送回巴黎,最后送上断头台。

    They were promptly returned to Paris and eventually guillotined .

  7. 一大群人观看女王上断头台。

    A large crowd watched as the queen went to the block .

  8. 莫伊首先被命令上断头台。

    Moe was the first to be ordered to the death instrument .

  9. 在大恐怖时期,每天有几百人被送上断头台。

    During the Reign of Terror hundreds were daily dispatched by the guillotine .

  10. 他就要上断头台了。

    The guillotine will soon strike off his dead .

  11. 时间紧迫,感觉马上要上断头台,而时钟还在滴答作响。

    My head is on the chopping block and the clock is ticking .

  12. 他被判上断头台。

    He is doomed to the scaffold .

  13. 我一离开你,就只能上断头台了。

    If I quit you , it will only be to go to the scaffold .

  14. 然而就是这样一个无比善良的弱女子,最终被屈枉地送上断头台。

    But very good is such a weak woman , turn aside to eventually guillotined .

  15. 把全部贵族都送上断头台!

    To the Guillotine all aristocrats !

  16. 使某人上断头台,把某人处以死刑

    Bring sb . to the scaffold

  17. 总有一天,我会看见你上断头台的,坏蛋!

    And I shall certainly go to see him beheaded on the guillotine , the wretch !

  18. 法国大革命剥夺了他的私人赞助弗拉戈纳尔:他们被送上断头台或流放。

    The French Revolution deprived Fragonard of his private patrons : they were either guillotined or exiled .

  19. 出自:玛丽·安托瓦内特王后,她上断头台的时候,不小心踩了刽子手一脚。

    Said by : Queen Marie Antoinette after she accidentally stepped on the foot of her executioner as she went to the guillotine 。

  20. 出自:玛丽安托瓦内特王后,她上断头台的时候,不小心踩了刽子手一脚。

    Said by : queen Marie Antoinette after she accidentally stepped on the foot of her executioner as she went to the guillotine .

  21. 就像别人代替我在弦乐四重奏团演出一样,看上去有人可以代替我上断头台。

    Just like somebody could take my place in the string quartet , it seems that somebody could take my place at the guillotine .

  22. 萨博这个拥有悠久历史的传奇品牌居然也因为财务问题被送上断头台,这让许多汽车业的传统主义者深感沮丧。

    Automotive traditionalists are understandably upset that a brand with a long and storied history like Saab has wound up on the financial chopping block .

  23. 人民痛恨的敌人埃弗蒙侯爵该死!审判结束了,在不到24小时之后,查尔斯·代尔那就要走上断头台了。

    Death for the hated Marquis of Evr é monde , enemy of the people ! The trial was over , and in less than twenty-four hours Charles Darnay would go to the Guillotine .

  24. 虽然议会课税权早在13世纪末就建立,但詹姆士一世和查理一世为摆脱财政困境,实行财税专制,并最终导致内战的爆发,查理一世还由此被送上断头台。

    Although parliament taxation right was established at the end of 13th century , James I and Charles I promoted arbitrary rule for bailing out of the financial trouble . But it resulted in civil war and Charles I was sentenced to death .

  25. 管家大声说道,他被这恐吓吓坏了,“假如只是为了这个原因我就不能再继续为您效劳了,我宁愿把一切都讲出来,因为我一离开您,就只能上断头台了。”

    Cried the steward , struck with terror at this threat , " if that is the only reason I cannot remain in your service , I will tell all , for if I quit you , it will only be to go to the scaffold . "

  26. 这颗钻石的买家得祈祷自己拥有比著名的希望蓝钻的拥有者更好的运气。希望蓝钻被认为会为拥有者带来厄运,比如被送上断头台的路易十六夫妇。

    Anyone who buys it , however , will be hoping for better luck than the owners of the famous deep blue Hope Diamond . It supposedly puts a curse on those who possess it , as the guillotined Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette discovered .

  27. 丹东、罗伯斯比尔以及其他人被逐一送上了断头台。

    One after the other Danton , Robespierre and the rest went to the guillotine .

  28. 去年1月,清教徒把查理国王送上了断头台。

    the Puritans cut King Charles 's head off last January .

  29. 查理一世国王被送上了断头台。

    King Charles I died on the scaffold .

  30. 十八世纪后期,法国许多贵族家庭的成员都上了断头台。

    Many members of noble families were guillotined in France in the late 18th century .