
  1. 特别是加入WTO后与国际市场的接轨,了解企业价值及影响上市公司价值的因素,对于我们正确理解和认识证券市场有着十分重要的意义。

    Especially after we join WTO , it is important to understand corporation value and the impact element of listing corporation value , and it can help us understand and know securities market .

  2. 股权自由现金流(FCFE)贴现模型在上市公司价值评估中的应用

    The Use of FCFE Discount Model in Evaluation of the Value of the Companies in Stock Market

  3. 我国资本市场投资者利益保护与上市公司价值研究

    Research on Investor Protection and Corporate Valuation in Chinese Capital Market

  4. 相对估价法评估高科技上市公司价值的研究

    On the Application of Multiples in Evaluating the High-tech Listed Firms

  5. 对我国高技术上市公司价值评估的研究

    The Research of Valuation of Listed High - tech Company

  6. 剩余收益模型在上市公司价值评估中的应用

    Application of Residual Income ( RI ) to Evaluation of Listed Company

  7. 我国上市公司价值和股票定价问题研究

    Research on Company Value and Stock Prices in Listed Companies

  8. 第一、讨论上市公司价值评估的目的和需要。

    First , discusses the needs of valuation of public listed companies .

  9. 我国上市公司价值成长机理与应用研究

    Research on Value Development Mechanisms and Practice of China 's Listing Companies

  10. 上市公司价值评估方法的分析与发展

    The Analysis and Development of the Method of Valuation of Public Listed Companies

  11. 上市公司价值评估及其方法研究

    Research on Listed Company Valuation and It 's Methods

  12. 股权激励对A股上市公司价值影响的研究

    A Research on the Effect of Equity Incentive on the Value of Listed Company

  13. 实证检验了资产专用性和公司治理机制对上市公司价值的共同影响。

    Empirical inspect the combined effect of asset specificity and corporate governance on listed companies .

  14. 从股东赢到利益相关者共赢&重塑上市公司价值观

    From Shareholders-Win to the Correlated Persons of Interests Winning Together & Reinvent Listed Company Values

  15. 风险管理对我国上市公司价值和业绩影响的实证研究&基于衍生金融工具的运用

    Empirical Research on the Influence of Risk Management on the Listed Companies Value and Performance of Our Country

  16. 系统研究了股东之间利益冲突与中国上市公司价值的关系。

    Systematically studies the relationship between shareholders ' conflicts and the market value of listing companies in China .

  17. 理论分析部份,将从基本理论出发概括地介绍一个较为完整的上市公司价值投资分析方法。

    The part of the theoretical analysis will introduce an overview of listed company value investment analysis methods .

  18. 并进一步以数据的形式定量地分析相关因素对上市公司价值的影响。

    Further by using the data form to analysis the correlation factor to the listed company value influence .

  19. 股权集中度与上市公司价值关系的实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Relationship between Concentration Degree of Equity and Corporate Value of the Listed Companies in China

  20. 对于有效资本市场而言,股票价格是能够成为反映上市公司价值的市场信号。

    The stock price can be market signal which reflects enterprise value of listed companies in the efficiency capital market .

  21. 本文主要研究股权分置改革背景下,股权结构对我国上市公司价值的影响问题。

    This paper mainly studies the impact of equity on Chinese listed companies ' value on the background of the split-share reform .

  22. 上市公司价值评价是进行产权改革、价值投资、资产重组等活动的基础和前提。

    The value evaluation of the listed companies is the foundation and premise of the equity reform , value investment and assets reorganization .

  23. 在定性分析的基础上,本部分试从市场可常用的指标着手,对上市公司价值进行评估排序,并对行业进行了动态对比分析。分析对比了D。

    On the basis of qualitative analysis , this part evaluates the value of the listed companies . Comparing the results with that posed by D.

  24. 本文在构建上市公司价值创造指数的过程中,运用层次分析法来进行权重的设置,在一定程度上可解决完全人为主观设置权重的问题。

    This paper bestows on the power with the analytic hierarchy process , to a certain extent this may solve the completely artificial subjective establishment weight problem .

  25. 通过案例分析表明,基于自由现金流量的公司价值分析方法能够有效地评估我国上市公司价值的大小和业绩的好坏。

    The case studies show that the value of the company free cash flow method can effectively assess the value of Chinese listed companies ' size and performance .

  26. 本文从公司价值评价的基本理论入手,在详细分析房地产上市公司价值特点的基础上,借鉴国内外先进的公司价值评价模型和方法,提出了房地产上市公司价值评价的原则;

    The method of this paper using the theory of foreign company value assessment models and methods , and give suggestions of the principal of real estate enterprises value assessment .

  27. 由于利润指标能够在财务报表中之间反映,具有简单明了的特点,因此目前仍然被众多投资者作为评估上市公司价值的标准,并且成为绝大多数上市公司管理者的经营目标及激励基准。

    Because profit indexes can be reflected in financial forms and have the characteristics of simple and clear , most investors also make it as the scaled standard of listed company now .

  28. 为探究现金流权与控制权的分离对我国家族上市公司价值的作用机理以及影响程度,本文首先建立了一个基于控制权私人收益的理论模型。

    In order to find the infection mechanisms and degree of the separating cash-flow rights from control on corporate value , we present a model based on the private benefits of control .

  29. 而传统的财务管理理论一直以每股收益、净资产收益率、净利润等会计指标作为评估上市公司价值的标准。

    Compare with traditional financial management theory which set the criteria against earnings per share , net yield of assets and accounting net income when they carry the revaluation for the listed companies .

  30. 为了使股票投资者做出科学合理的投资决策,本文通过构建基本面分析的范式,再结合企业财务评估体系,建立一套上市公司价值分析的体系。

    In order to make the stock investors to make the right investment decision , this paper establishes a value analysis system of listing Corporation , which is comprised of fundamental analysis system and financial evaluation system .