
  • 网络discounted rate;Discount Rate;IRR;WACC;Capitalization Rate
  1. 投资项目财务评价的折现率研究

    A Study of Discount Rate in Financial Evaluation of an Investment Project

  2. 收益法评估股权价值中折现率的确定

    Determination of Discount Rate in Income Method for Equity Valuation

  3. 与此同时,在删除了无风险利率r的条件下,它考虑了ESOs的不可转让性,并引入了激励参数与主观折现率。

    It considers its non-transferability and then explicitly incorporates the compensation incentive parameter and the subjective discount rate .

  4. 用DCF方法求企业投资资本价值时,折现率需采用加权平均资本成本(WACC)。

    When calculating a company 's investment value , we need the discount rate with WACC .

  5. 会计利率(简写为ARI):用于将收益和成本的终值换算为相应现值的折现率。

    Accounting rate of interest - ARI : Discount rate used to convert future values of Benefits and costs into equivalent present values .

  6. 在比较了市场定价法、CAPM模型和期权定价模型等三种确定折现率的方法后,提出了适合我国目前实际情况的折现率确定模型。

    After the comparsion of Market Pricing Method , CAPM Model and Option Pricing Model , a discount rate model which is suited to the current situation of China , is maded .

  7. 如果我们转而使用4.5%的无风险折现率,那么Tumblr的美国RPM预设回报率将下降到0.81美元,包含国际浏览量的RPM预设回报率将下降到0.41美元。

    If we instead use the risk-free rate of 4.5 % , then the U.S. - only RPM hurdle rate drops to $ 0.81 , the international-included RPM hurdle rate drops to $ 0.41 .

  8. 投资决策中基本折现率的确定及其调整

    Establishment and modification of the basal discount rate for investment decision-making

  9. 谈企业项目评价中的折现率及风险调整

    On Discount Rate and Risk Adjustment of Enterprise Itemized Evaluation

  10. 项目投资决策中折现率的选择

    Choice of the discount rate in the investment decision of the project

  11. 它包含一个描述实际折现率的条件属性。

    It contains a condition attribute that describes the actual rate discount .

  12. 投资价值评估中估计折现率的思路和方法

    Thought and Method for Estimating Discount Rate in Investment Appraisal

  13. 在收益法评估的过程中,资产折现率的确定会对评估结果产生较大影响。

    The rate of discount plays an important role in income approach .

  14. 基于持续期的企业资本预算折现率风险研究

    Study on Discounted Rate Risk for Corporation Capital Budgeting Based on Duration

  15. 基于动态现金流量的折现率定量模型

    Quantitative model of discount rate on the basis of the dynamic cash flow

  16. 金砖四国社会折现率的影响因素分析

    The Influencing Factors of Social Discount Rate in BRICs

  17. 浅谈投资项目财务评价中折现率的确定

    Simple discussion on how to decide discount rate in financial evaluation for investment project

  18. 高新技术企业价值评估中折现率确定方法研究

    On the Method of Computing the Discount Rate in the Evaluation of Hi-tech Enterprises

  19. 风险投资中折现率问题分析

    The issue of discount rate in venture investment

  20. 折现率和本金化率关系的探讨诉利息未诉本金之诉讼时效如何认定

    On Relationship between Discounted Rate and Capitalized Rate Limitation of Action for Only Principal

  21. 基于投资回收补偿的技术资产评估折现率研究

    Discount Rate for Technological Assets and Investment Recovery

  22. 项目经济评价中折现率设定的研究

    The Research on the Discounting Rate 's Setting in the Economic Evaluation of Investment Projects

  23. 同时,在投资项目评价时还应考虑其他因素对基准折现率的修正。

    Other factors must be considered in financial evaluation by which the BDR is revised .

  24. 资产评估中折现率的有关问题浅析

    Analysis of Discount Rate in Asses Evaluation

  25. 试论确定智力资本价值的折现率

    Research on discount rate deciding intellectual capital

  26. 资本预算折现率研究

    On Discounting Rate in Capital Budgeting

  27. 实际折现率将必须应用到信用卡管理系统中。

    The actual rate discount would have to be applied in the credit card management system .

  28. 无风险利率和折现率变化时的R&D投资实物期权方法(英文)

    Real option pricing method for R & D investment under changing risk-free rate and discount rate ;

  29. 基准折现率应当在考虑资金成本和风险补偿的基础上加以确定。

    The BDR should be confirmed on based of the cost of financing and compensation to risk .

  30. 折现率的预测和确定是无形资产评估中的难点问题之一。

    To forecast and select the discount rate is one of the difficult problems in intangible asset valuation .