- 名period of depreciation;useful life of fixed assets

Currently , decisions on renewal of equipment in enterprises are basically made according to period of depreciation , while the comprehensive management profit is rarely used as basis of decision - making .
First , develop the forming model of ISDN from information angle , second , analysis the cost which is the basis of ISDN 's tariff standard through determining the depreciation year of ISDN from input and output angle .
Optimum number of years of depreciation for forest machinery
Tell objectively , depreciation fixed number of year depends on the use fixed number of year of fixed assets .
Fixed assets which for special reasons as mentioned in the preceding paragraph require the useful life to be shortened include .
Network equipment depreciation of the national life across the board , can hardly meet the needs of building around the power grid .
Many equipment of hydropower stations built early has reached or exceeded the depreciation period . The efficiency of equipment is low , and there are security risks existing .
Compared to movable sprinkler irrigation , despite its high cost for building , seeping irrigation can give 10.9 % more net benefits , so it is an reasonable irrigation methods .
That concerns with the rationality of depreciation year and depreciation base of the whole capital assets , which must be disposed by other measures .
In case an enterprise surely needs to accelerate the depreciation of any fixed asset by virtue of technological progress or for any other reason , it may curtail the term of depreciation or adopt a method for accelerated depreciation .
If enterprises can do it through rational choice of depreciation method and determination of depreciation age , they will lighten the tax burden and increase the income excluding tax .
Determining depreciation is based on the construction cost , value , the liquidation costs and depreciable lives .