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  • pocket knife;folding knife;clasp-knife;Tibetan knife
折刀 [zhé dāo]
  • (1) [clasp knife]∶又叫折刀儿。能折叠嵌入刀柄内的袖珍刀具

  • (2) [Tibetan knife]∶藏族人用以防身或砍切物品的各种腰刀,多随身携带。又叫藏刀

折刀[zhé dāo]
  1. 拿一支铅笔,这是我的小折刀。,这是铅笔。

    If I take a pencil and I take my pocket knife * So here is a pencil .

  2. 随病情的进展,均出现四肢痉挛性瘫痪,肌力Ⅲ~Ⅳ级,肌张力呈折刀样增高,四肢腱反射亢进,两侧踝阵挛及Babinski征(+)。

    As the disease progressed slowly , the patients presented with spastic paralysis of four extremities , reduced muscle strength ( 3 to 4 degree ), clasp-knife like of muscular tension , hyperactivity of tendon reflexes , ankle clonus and presence of Babinski sign .

  3. 小男孩太小,还合不上折刀。

    The boy is too young to shut a clasp knife .

  4. 在固定柄刀和折刀之间选择是一个很大的实际问题。

    The choice between fixed blade and folding blade is largely practical .

  5. 折叠折刀似的折拢或折叠(某物或其自身)

    To fold or double ( something or oneself ) like a jackknife .

  6. 他拿出他的随身小折刀,在大橡树上划了一道沟槽。

    He took his pocketknife and in the big oak made a groove .

  7. 开始用他的巴露折刀在一头开挖起来。

    And began to dig under one end of it with his Barlow knife .

  8. 那些不明物竟然是长约七英寸的小折刀。

    The things were knives , pocket knives , each about seven inches long .

  9. 把一只小折刀插在苹果上。

    To stab the apple with a penknife .

  10. 阿奇又朝靴面上吐了些烟沫,再把大折刀磨了几下。

    Arch spat some more tobacco juice on his boot top and whetted the jackknife blade some more .

  11. 所谓方笔即起笔时呈现折刀头状,棱角分明,是楷书书写的一种起笔方法。

    The so-called square pen presents jackknife head-like started to write when , angular , regular script writing started to write method .

  12. 女士们说她们会结伴出行,有些人还会携带安全别针和小折刀等锋利物品以赶跑骚扰者。

    Women say they travel in groups , some carrying sharp objects ─ safety pins , pocket knives ─ to discourage harassers .

  13. 由五位外科医生组成的医疗团队为该病人进行了开腹手术,他们在其体内,正好发现了如病人所说的28把小折刀。

    A team of five surgeons opened the patient up . They found exactly 28 knives , just like the man said .

  14. 布朗用牙把小折刀的刀身拉出来,然后把封住进气道的冰冻的积雪刮掉。

    Pulling out the blade of his pocketknife with his teeth , Brown chipped away at the frozen snow out the air intake .

  15. 他正站在前院的草地上,悠闲地向空中甩着一把折刀,想要把它插在地上。

    He is standing on the front lawn , idly tossing a jack-knife into the air and trying to make it stick in the , ground .

  16. 女仆在主人家里偷了宾客的袖珍折刀,之后又在台布下面把它找回,并装模作样地拿出来。

    The waiting-woman who secreted the penknife of a guest in her master 's house afterwards discovers it under the table-cloth , and ostentatiously produces it .

  17. 椅子的另一头,一个若有所思的水手用他那把大折刀还在往上面添着花样,他伛着身子,在他两腿间的木头上用劲地刻着。

    At one end a ruminating tar was still further adorning it with his jack-knife , stooping over and diligently working away at the space between his legs .

  18. 折页时,折刀把线推入折口。集帖后,加热把线融化,粘牢各书帖,然后裁边及作进一步加工。

    At the time of folding , the knife will push the thread into the fold . After gathering , heat is applied to melt the trimming and forwarding .

  19. 跳入水中前弯身的一种跳水方法,像大折刀一样。一辆大型公共汽车从急转弯处的远方映入眼帘。

    Dive into the water bending the body at the waist at a right angle , like a jackknife . A huge bus now swung into view from further round the bend .

  20. 对于一个偶尔打猎的人来说,对于刀子的其他用途比较偏向与携带在口袋里,折刀也许是更好的选择。

    For a person who only hunts occasionally , who will use the knife for other purposes and prefers to carry it in a pocket , the flexible blade handle may make a better choice .

  21. 事件后,许多机场都明令禁止出售小折刀,特别是在许多乘客被迫交出随身行李中的尖锐器具后,乘客们都尽量避免携带任何有可能引起怀疑的小器具登机。

    The attacks triggered bans on pocket-knife sales at many airports , and travelers have since shunned anything that could arouse suspicion & especially after many were forced to hand over sharp implements in their carry-on luggage before boarding .

  22. 只要我用水手折刀一割,西斯潘尼奥拉号就会被潮水冲走。到了那里后,格雷独自划着小船回西斯潘尼奥拉号,在上面过夜看船。

    One cut with my sea-gully , and the Hispaniola would go humming down the tide . and then Gray , single-handed , returned with the gig to the Hispaniola , where he was to pass the night on guard .

  23. 那是我的,弗雷德拿着一把手柄呈白色且刀刃都很精致的小折刀说,它和我一直想要那把一模一样。他自豪而满足地摆弄着那把精致的小刀。

    " it 's mine ," said Fred , showing a white handled pocketknife , with every blade perfect and shining . " just what I 've always wanted . " and he turned the prize over and over with evient satisfaction .