
ɡuānɡ zhōu
  • Kwangju
  1. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)在东南部城市大邱和龟尾开设了两家创新中心,现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)也在西南部城市光州设立了创新中心。

    Samsung Electronicshas set up two centres in the southeastern cities of Daegu and Gumi , while Hyundai Motorhas done so in the southwestern city of Gwangju .

  2. 您将离开今天的(16)光州。

    You will leave to today 's ( 16 ) Gwangju .

  3. 有机会的话,我也想去你们的‘光州’看看。

    I really want to visit your'Gwangju'if I have chance .

  4. 那段时间你在光州干什么呢?

    What did you do in Gwangju during that time ?

  5. 光州艺术双年展之中国当代六人展&0+1

    " 0 + 1 " Six Chinese Artists ' Exhibition in Kongju Biennial

  6. 像我病成这样,在光州能做些什么?

    But as sick as I am , what could I do in kwang-ju ?

  7. 孙杨还将参加光州世锦赛的200米、800米和接力比赛。

    Sun will also compete in the 200m and 800m and relay events in Gwangju .

  8. 上周日(7月21日),在韩国光州举行的第18届国际泳联世锦赛男子400米自由泳比赛中,中国奥运冠军孙杨连续第4次获得该项目金牌。

    China 's Olympic champion Sun Yang won his fourth straight world title in the men 's 400m freestyle at the 18th FINA World Championships in the South Korean city of Gwangju on Sunday .

  9. 星期二,韩国南部城市光州的高等法院判定李俊锡对304名乘客犯有谋杀罪。去年4月,岁月号渡轮在韩国西南沿海翻沉,导致这些乘客死亡。

    The high court in the southern city of Gwangju on Tuesday convicted Lee Joon-seol of the murder of 304 passengers who died when the ferry sank last April off the country 's southwest coast .

  10. 他把自己部分作品的幻灯(其中一幅画描绘的是光州起义)发给了前往朝鲜平壤参加一个青年节的一些韩裔美国人,因此被捕。

    Mr. Hong was arrested after sending slides of some of his work , including a painting that depicted the Gwangju uprising , to Korean-Americans who were headed to a youth festival in Pyongyang , North Korea .

  11. 光州固始与闽台历史渊源关系研讨会综述在进入当代社会之前,闽西客家社会是典型的封建宗法制社会。

    A Summary of " The Symposium on the Historical Relationship between ' Gwangju Gushi ' and Fujian and Taiwan " The Hakka society in West Fujian used to belong to a typically feudal and patriarchal clan system .