
zǒng jiàn zhù miàn jī
  • Total building area;overall floorage
总建筑面积[zǒng jiàn zhù miàn jī]
  1. 国家会议中心总建筑面积27万m2,是奥运工程中单体面积最大的场馆工程。地下两层,地上8层,框架剪力墙结构、钢结构。

    With total floor area of 270,000 m2,2 floor of basement and 8 storey above ground , frame-shear wall structure and steel structure , it is an Olympic Games project that has the largest single building area .

  2. 国家游泳中心总建筑面积79532平方米,长宽高分别为177米×177米×30米。

    It also has a total land surface of 79532 m2 .

  3. 一定地块内,总建筑面积与建筑用地面积的比值。

    Approaching Basic Judgment on Enhancing Floor Area Ratio of Residential Land ;

  4. 南海玫瑰花园共分三期开发,目前总建筑面积为34万。

    Nanhai rose garden consists of3 phases with a total floorage of340000m2 .

  5. 校舍总建筑面积177万平方米。

    The schoolhouses have a cover area of 1 . 75 square kilometers .

  6. 高层住宅总建筑面积与住宅总建筑面积的比率(%)。

    Study on the parking modes and the bottom space in the high residence ;

  7. 其中,总建筑面积是地上所有建筑面积之和。

    Among them , the total construction area is the floor area of all buildings and .

  8. 基地大楼共16层,总建筑面积超过12万平方米。

    It is a 16-story building with a floor area of more than 120000 square meters .

  9. 学校图书馆总建筑面积8.3万余平方米,总藏书量626万余册。

    With a total space of 83 000 square meters , the university library has a collection of more than 6 260 000 volumes .

  10. 这个项目要在胡鲁马累岛上建造7000套经济适用房,总建筑面积达到451900平方米。

    Construction work is now underway on 7000 affordable houses in Hulhumale Island , with the total construction area covering some 451900 square meters .

  11. 其中占我国总建筑面积60%以上的居住建筑,是实现建筑节能目标的关键所在。

    The key to achieve the energy efficiency target is the residential buildings because it occupies more than 60 % of total building floor area .

  12. 毗邻5000亩四川师范大学新、老校区,人文气息浓郁,可谓城市中最具休闲气质和发展前景的区域地块,将打造为规划总建筑面积57万平方米的大型生态绿城。

    As a block with great development potential , it shall be developed into a large ecological city with a total planned construction area of570,000 square meters .

  13. 别墅总建筑面积约为2000平方米,依河而建,曲径通幽,周边树林郁郁葱葱,鸟语花香。

    Villa with a total construction area of about for2000 square meters , built in accordance with the river , a secluded spot , surrounding woods lush , full of flowers and birds .

  14. 大楼总建筑面积达78000平方米,共有27层甲级办公大楼,5楼商业楼层及2层地库停车场。

    The modern intelligent commercial complex embraces a total area of 78000 square metre , comprises 27 levels of top grade office space , 5 levels of shopping arcade and a 2-level underground carpark .

  15. 学校设玉泉、西溪、华家池、湖滨、之江、紫金港等6个校区,占地面积5.33平方公里,校舍总建筑面积200余万平方米。

    With six campuses , namely Yuquan , Xixi , Huajiachi , Hubin , Zhijiang , and Zijin'gang , the university now occupies a total area of 533 hectares and a floor space of over 2 000 000 square meters .

  16. 上海机场集团官员表示,这两座新卫星厅作为现有候机楼的延伸,总建筑面积达62.2万平方米,建成后,浦东机场的年客流量将从今年的6000万人次提升至8000万人次。

    The two new satellite halls , an extension of the existing terminals , will cover 622000 sqm and boost airport capacity to 80m passengers annually , an increase over this year 's 60m , Shanghai Airport Authority officials said .

  17. 中国国家统计局的数据显示,去年房地产投资增加了超过10%,至9.5万亿元人民币(合1.5万亿美元),而总建筑面积的销量却下跌了8%。

    Property investment increased more than 10 per cent last year to Rmb9.5tn ( $ 1.5tn ) , according to the National Bureau of Statistics , compared with an 8 per cent fall in sales as measured by gross floor area .

  18. 预计保险公司对商业地产的大举投资,将提振北京这样的市场。在北京,目前有三分之一的写字楼面积处于闲置状态,价格在下跌,而2007年至2011年总建筑面积预期将翻番。

    The expected influx of insurance investment in commercial real estate will boost markets such as Beijing , where one third of office space is empty , prices are falling and total floor space is expected to double between 2007 and 2011 .

  19. 天印艺术会馆是一所私人投资的艺术会馆,用以展示投资者私人收藏的艺术品,举办艺术交流的会议与展览,提供与之配套的住宿及餐饮服务,总建筑面积达到15660m2。

    By private investment , Tianyin Art Assembly Hall is targeted to show the artworks owned privately , hold art exchanging meetings and exhibitions , provide corresponding accommodation and food service . Its gross building area is reached to 15 660 square meters .

  20. 比如说,上海几年前把容积率(总建筑面积与总用地面积的比率)上限从6-8降到2.5-4,以避免市中心变成混凝土丛林。

    Shanghai , for example , lowered the maximum plot ratio , ie the gross floor area that you are allowed to build , years ago from 6 to 8 to 2.5 to 4 in order to avoid the inner city becoming a concrete jungle .

  21. 公共建筑在城镇总建筑面积中所占的比例不大,但其单位面积能耗惊人,年耗能总量可观,具有很大的节能潜力。

    Public buildings account for only a small proportion in the total urban building area , yet their consumed energy per unit is astounding . Since the amount of energy consumption of public buildings is huge , there are a lot to be done to improve their energy efficiency .

  22. 中山大学图书馆总建筑面积11万余平方米,图书馆藏书498.8万册,已被教育部确定为高教文献保障体系华南地区中心,是中国高等教育文献保障体系的7个中心之一。

    The University library boasts 111 000 square meters of floor space with a collection of 4 886 800 volumes and has been assigned by the Ministry of Education a the center for storing documents of higher education in South China , one of the centers of the higher education document guarantee system in China .

  23. 建筑行业约占我国国民经济总能耗的30%,建筑节能已成为实现可持续发展的重要课题之一,而占我国总建筑面积60%以上的居住建筑,是建筑节能的关键所在。

    Energy-saving in building industry has become a crucial issue for sustainable development in China . Particularly , residential building sector deserves more attention because it occupies more than 60 % of total building floor area .