
  • 网络total citations;total cites;Total Cited
  1. 期刊被引计量指标,包括总被引频次、影响因子、即年指标、他引率和被引半衰期等5项计量指标。

    Cited bibliometric indexes of periodicals include five metric indexes , namely , total citations , impact factor , immediacy index , citation rate and cited half-life .

  2. 截止到2008年3月安徽医科大学被CSCD来源刊引用达560篇,被引率为27.63%,总被引频次为1326次,篇均被引用频次为0.65次/篇。

    As of March 2008 , a total of 560 papers were cited by the source journal of CSCD , with a rate of 27.63 % ; the total citations are 1326 times with a frequency of 0.65 time / paper .

  3. 被SCI收录的论著,总被引频次为38次,篇平均被引1.41次。

    Every article was cited 1.41 times in average .

  4. 《建筑材料学报》的影响因子和总被引频次评析

    Analysis and Evaluation on the Impact Factors and Cites of Journal of Building Materials 1999 ~ 2002

  5. 医药卫生类期刊影响因子和总被引频次现状分析及其在期刊评价中的作用

    Analysis of Present Situation of Impact Factor and Cited-frequency of Medical and Pharmaceutical Journals and Their Effects on Journal Evaluation

  6. 被引论文作者来自292所机构,被引最高的机构为卫生部北京医院,占总被引频次的10.48%。

    292 institutes were cited and the most frequently cited institute was Beijing Hospital ( 10.48 % of total cited times ) .

  7. 以总被引频次和影响因子作为期刊学术影响力的评价指标,比较分析了16种食品工业类中文核心期刊的学术影响力。

    According to the cited frequency and the impact factor of each journal , 16 food science central journals were compared for their academic influence .

  8. 从总被引频次和影响因子2方面分析我国英文版科技期刊的引用指标的现状和引用指标偏低的原因。

    The citation data of Chinese English scientific journals and the reasons of lower citations are analyzed from two aspects including total citation frequency and impact factor .

  9. 对福建省16种农业科技期刊连续10年的总被引频次和他引率进行统计与比较。

    Total citation frequency and other periodical citation rate of 16 kinds of agricultural journals in Fujian Province in the past decade are subjected to statistics and comparison .

  10. 本文作者认为,影响因子和总被引频次目前仍然是评价医药卫生类期刊学术水平的重要指标,一定程度上可以反映医药卫生类期刊学术水平的高低。

    The author considers that impact factor and total cited-frequency are two objective citation indexes to evaluate medical journals and can reflect the academic level of medical journals in certain degree .

  11. 多元线性回归分析发现,力指数的主要影响因素是五年影响因子、被引半衰期、总被引频次及网络下载率,未见其与影响因子明显关系。

    Linear regression analysis shows that h index is affected by 5-year impact factor , half-life of citation , frequency of citation and downloading rate , but not the impact factor .

  12. 通过对1998&2004年《地理学报》影响因子、总被引频次和即年指标等的分析,指出该刊在同类期刊中处于领先地位。

    Through analyzing on the impact factor , total cited frequency and immediate index of in the period of 1998-2004 , this paper points out that this journal is in a leading position among the similar periodicals .

  13. 结果看到,《中华医院管理杂志》在中国科技论文与引文数据库期刊中的影响因子和总被引频次较高,位于基础医学、医学综合类期刊前列,说明其具有较高的学术地位和学术影响力。

    The result indicates that the journal has high impact factor and total citation frequency in periodicals covered by the China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database , ranking first among periodicals of basic and general medical sciences .

  14. 总被引频次和影响因子分别从2000年的325和0.377上升至2004年的437和0.462,均在同类期刊中名列前茅。本刊在该领域学术水平最高,在国内外具有较高的影响。

    The overall citation and impact factor of this journal increased from 325 and 0.377 in 2000 to 437 and 0.462 in 2004 respectively , being among the best of the periodicals and expressing its high academic level and its domestic and abroad importance in the field of parasitology .