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  1. 后者是《书谱》的译注,一字一句都有精妙解释。

    Each of characters and each of sentences are explained elegantly .

  2. 黄源老著的《书谱译注》由两部分组成。

    Shupu Yizhu written by Huang Yuan is composed of two parts .

  3. 《书谱》对书法的人格主义批评也受儒家艺术观的影响。

    The criticism in Book Charts of persona is influenced by Confucian arts idea .

  4. 略论孙过庭《书谱》的书学思想精髓

    On the Ideological Quintessence of Calligraphic Study in Calligraphy Manual by Sun Guo - ting

  5. 论姜夔《续书谱》的书法美学批评思想

    Aesthetic Criticism Thought in " The Continuation of Theories on Calligraphy " of JIANG Kui

  6. 儒家的艺术观在孙过庭的《书谱》里得到了比较完整的继承。

    Book Charts , composed by Sun Guoting , fully inherited the Confucian arts idea .

  7. 此外,《书谱》质以代兴、异质同妍的书法风格观也来自儒家美学。

    Furthermore , the calligraphic style in Book Charts that quality depends on generation and the distinctive quality have the equal beauty results from Confucian aesthetics .

  8. 《书谱》最具特色之处,便是在全文中贯穿了孙过庭的儒家审美理想与人生价值观。

    The most distinctive feature of Calligraphy Manual is that the whole content is permeated with Sun Guo-ting 's Confucian aesthetic ideals and outlooks on life and values .

  9. 《书谱》介绍的学书方法,最著名的是学书三时论,即先求平正,再求奇变(险绝),终至通会(复归平正)的过程。

    Shu Pu Introduction to the book , is the most famous book " three " theory , namely to seek the right , then seek the singularity ( no risk ), and finally to pass ( return Fair ) process .

  10. 《书谱》充分肯定了书法的社会功用和艺术功用,深刻地揭示了书法的艺术本质,具有卓越的美学思想,高明的艺术观;

    In his essay Sun Guo ting was sufficiently sure that calligraphy had its social use and artistic function , He deeply revealed the artistic character of calligraphy , the author showed his extraordinary thoughts about aesthetics and his unusual views on art .