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  1. 李邕家族谱系及书法成就考辨

    Investigations on Li Yong 's Genealogy and his Calligraphy Achievement

  2. 李邕的行书艺术及其对后世的影响

    On Li yong ' art of calligraphy and the influence upon later generations

  3. 江夏李氏在书法文化领域的文化积淀毫无疑问会影响这个家族的后裔,因此,李邕在书法领域取得巨大成就与其家族的书法积淀有着密切的关系。

    Li family 's achievements both in culture and calligraphy undoubtedly affect its descendants , and Li Yong 's success in calligraphy is no exception .

  4. 但是长期以来,对李邕的研究几乎处于空白,这应该说是唐代文学研究中的一个疏漏。

    However , the study of Li Yong has long been overlooked , which the author considers to be an oversight in the study of Tang literature .

  5. 论文从严复为其珍藏的李邕《麓山寺碑》拓本撰写的题跋出发,全面考察严复与中国书法之关系。

    Based on the colophons of Yan Fu 's cherished rubbings of the Lushan Temple Tablet , this paper examined in a comprehensive way the relation of Yan Fu and Chinese calligraphy .

  6. 元代人通过学习李邕书法,终至出唐入晋,复古为新。

    The people in the Yuan Dynasty eventually learned a lot about both Tang and Jin Dynasties by learning from Li Yong 's calligraphy so as to restore ancient ways for the new ones .