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  1. 他的学术史方法体系有两个核心观念,即学脉和宗旨。

    This methodology has two key ideas-vein of scholar thoughts and aim of one 's thought .

  2. 从发现如何打碎石头制做工具切割肉类开始,人类即学着投机取巧。

    Discovering how to chip stones to make a tool that would cut flesh was the moment man learned to be an opportunist .

  3. 我国教育领域虽然在成就测验即学绩测验上有不错的研究成果,但在预测性的测验上研究甚少。

    However , even though researches on achievement test have achieved great success in the Chinese education field , but there is few research touching upon predictability tests .

  4. 随着世界的教育科学学科的不断发展,基础教育的三种现象也逐渐显现出来,即学优生教育、学习困难学生(以下简称学困生)教育,特殊教育。

    With the development of A education , the phenomena have gradually emerged , which are the education of excellent students , of weak students and special education .

  5. 本系统适用于各级教育机构或机关部门,达到即学即考即会即用的学习效果。

    This system is suitable for all levels of educational institution or the institution department , achieves study effect which namely study namely tests namely meets namely uses .

  6. 另外一种人常用的学习方式是“意义记忆”,即学过的知识随后还可以轻松的回忆起来,比如在考试中。

    Another common way people learn is through " declarative learning " & learning facts so that they may be easily recalled later on , such as during a test .

  7. 然后分析网络层次分划,给出先学备用和即学即用的并进网络遍历路线以及单进网络遍历路线;

    Then the parallel network traveling in learn first use later or learn right use right manner and the single destination network traveling are given by some layer partitions of network nodes .

  8. 教育的本质任务是成功地帮助学生获得知识,掌握技能,形成作为社会成员所必须的素质,然而在现实中,教育却每天都在制造出许许多多的失败者,即学困生。

    The essential task of education is to help students get knowledge ; master skills and form some qualities of to be one member of the society . However , in fact education makes many failures who have some difficulty in study every day .

  9. 第二章为论文提供理论框架,即语体学及语域分析理论。

    Chapter two provides stylistic and register theories needed for the analysis of Netspeak .

  10. 复印报刊资料史学系列期刊学术影响力分析评析傅斯年史学即史料学的治史观

    An Analysis on the Academic Influence of the History Series of Duplicated Newspapers and Periodicals Data

  11. 确定侦查学的研究对象有两个标准:一是特殊性标准,即侦查学的研究对象需具有区别于其它学科研究对象的特殊矛盾性;

    There are two standards for confirming the objectives of investigation : special standard and the general standard .

  12. 传统的文学基本命题是文学即人学、艺术即人性,艺术即形象思维。

    The traditional literature accents that literature is human knowledge , art is human nature , art uses image thought .

  13. 汉语文字学的本体研究可以区分为三个平面,即字样学、字构学、字用学。

    The ontology research of the Chinese characters should be divided into three systems , namely shape , form and usage .

  14. 法律方法一词主要在三种意义上被使用,即社会学意义上的法律方法、法制意义上的法律方法以及司法意义上的法律方法。

    The meanings of the legal methods are widely used in the sense of sociology , legal system and judiciary process .

  15. 这层意义同它的浅层(即文艺学)含义一道,共同丰富了秋的意象与内涵。

    This significance with its shallow layer ( that is , literature ) meaning , imagery and connotation of common rich autumn .

  16. 本文所有内容分为三个部分,第一部分主要通过艺术多元功能和艺术惯例的讨论进行艺术概念即艺术学研究对象的界定。

    Part 1 is to define the concept of art ( aesthetic object ) through discussing the multi-valued function and convention of art .

  17. 宋学到南宋发生一个重大变化,即理学(道学)兴盛,成为显学。

    Neo confucianism founded mainly by Chen Liang had a very great development in the Southern Song Dynasty and occupied a major position .

  18. 邓以蛰指出中国绘画理论具有“画史即画学”的特点和民族特色,他的书画美学研究也始终贯穿着这个主导思想。

    Deng Yizhe thinks that painting history is equal to painting study and it is also one of the characteristics of Chinese painting theory .

  19. 傅斯年倡导文学革新,主张文化脱弃旧型入于新轨,标举科学学术论与史学即史料学。

    Fu Sinian advocated literary innovation , and held the belief that culture should get rid of the old type and enter a new road .

  20. 可以将社会学法学的流变划分为三个阶段,即社会学法学萌芽时期、社会学法学确立时期、社会学法学的深入发展时期。

    The author thinks that the changes of the sociological jurisprudence can be divided into three stages-the sprouting period , the establishing period and the developing period .

  21. 当我们去审视哲学不难发现哲学即人学,人类认识自我是哲学探究的最高目标。

    When we go to examine the philosophy of philosophy will find that human science , human understanding of self is the highest goal of philosophical inquiry .

  22. 我国公共政策研究的基本视域是两个,即政治学(包括行政学)视域和软科学视域。

    There are two basic dimensions in China 's public policy research , namely , a dimension of politics ( including administration ) and that of soft science .

  23. 所见即所学,所学有所用&2009年诺贝尔化学奖简介

    What You See Is What You Learn , What You Learn Guides What You Do & Introduction to the Contribution of the Awardees of Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009

  24. 文学即人学二十世纪二三十年代,作为新感觉派的领军人物刘呐鸥先生正是这样一位拥有先进科学意识的先锋作家。

    In the 20th century , Liu Na ' ou , the leader of the new feeling sent , was precisely such writer who had the advanced science consciousness .

  25. 结果表明:嵌套性在生物群落、土被或土链结构中的性质有相似之处,即地学系统中普遍存在着嵌套性。

    The results showed that nestedness is not exclusive properties of biological assemblages , mantlerock or soil catenulate structure , but can be found in a broader class of earth systems .

  26. 本文从财政学的学科特点出发,指出财政学教学中的辐射效应,即财政学的基础性与发散性在教学中的体现。

    Based on the discipline features of the science of finance , the author first explains the radiative effect , which is the embodiment of foundation and dispersal in teaching this course .

  27. 90年代以来,西方翻译研究突破了语言学的藩篱,继而转向对文化途径翻译的研究,即翻译学上的文化转向。

    Since 1990s , western translation study has broken through the binding of linguistics , turning to the research on culture . It was called " cultural approach of translation study " .

  28. 本文以情报学为主,重点谈了几个问题,即情报学的产生及其发展,情报研究与情报服务,情报检索等。

    This paper places stress on several major problems , namely , the emergence of Information Science and its development , Information Investigations and Researches and Information Service , Information Retrieval , etc.

  29. 乔伊斯批评,或者说乔学,已经成为一门学问,甚至一份产业,在西方文学批评史上可与莎士比亚批评,即莎学,等量齐观。了解乔学对于乔伊斯研究具有十分重要的意义。

    Joyce Criticism , like Shakespeare Criticism in the history of Western Criticism , has developed into a discipline , even an industry , understanding of which is doubtlessly significant for Joyce studies .

  30. 本文从技术接受模型的角度研究如何对中小学教师进行干预以促进教师对新技术的接受,即中小学教师的技术接受性干预设计。

    This Paper studies how to intervene the teachers for promoting their acceptance of new technologies , namely , it studies the intervention design of the teachers ' technology acceptance in primary and secondary school .